[@Zelosse] Kaathe watched for a moment as the group rode off to fight the undead horde. In the dark elf's mind, it was a somewhat foolish effort, as their mission would be to essentially weaken the enemy and thin their ranks. It put their lives at risk for little results, but hey, it works. Whether or not it works out in the long run is up to fate. He and some other knights stayed behind. Their mission was to locate the King's murderer. In all honesty, Kaathe could have cared less about the situation. A crime was committed, but the problem at hand didn't seem to be bringing Justice, but rather bringing order to the city. Yes, Evelynn and the Covenant had taken over in the meantime, but for how long? The people will only put up with them for so long...Kaathe guessed it just didn't matter. Let fate take place. At the moment, the dark elf had put in little effort into the mission, simply patrolling around, looking for suspicious persons. At some point, Kaathe had decided to rest somewhere and think on it. The murderer was still out. Inexperienced killers would most likely panic in such an event, and run as far away from the corpse as possible...Kaathe remembered that there was that one man he spotted earlier. They were panicked, and rushing through the streets. Maybe... Suddenly, the sound of compressed lightning magic grabbed his attention. He watched as a bolt of magic shot through a wooden sign, and left a deep mark in the stone behind it. By sight alone, it was obvious that it was the work of dwarves and humans. The Lightning spell was too simple to have been cast, it meant that it was cast through the use of pre-made materials and runes. No actual control, but in exchange it gave sheer power. Curious, Kaathe moved himself to a tree near the building the spell had come from. In time, a somewhat familiar face had arrived, and gained a weapon from a dwarves weaponsmith. As the two parted ways, Kaathe spoke up out of boredom. "[color=0054a6]Had one of the dwarves improve your toys?[/color]" said Kaathe in a somewhat joking manner. "[color=0054a6]Smart. A good weapon can stave off the inevitable, after all.[/color]" Kaathe was partially telling the truth. A weapon did stave off death for a while, but it can only do so much. Even with his unique weapon, should fate decide he'd die, or some enemy just got lucky, then he'd die. It didn't matter what weapon he had. Kaathe chuckled lightly. It didn't matter at all. So the Dark Elf moved along with, "[color=0054a6]No matter. It's not my business for what you decide to do with your equipment. Though, I am curious about what you plan on doing, seeing as the others have already left for their battle.[/color]"