[center][b][h2]Lalrial, The Heartlands[/h2]Odvin, 7th of Gerna 1200 AU - 07.03.1200[/b][/center] It had been an unpleasantly rushed trip. Varminia had been to the capital before many times over the course of her life, first as a child and then as Queen, but never for a reason like this that required such urgency. And even on the best of trips, after four days spent in the carriage, no matter how well made the cushions were made it started to get unpleasant. It wasn't helped by the fact that she had needed to leave Divorain behind in Tellaria. But Avalia wasn't ready to rule without help and with Siegfried three years gone there was no one else. Varminia frowned, her internal thoughts straying to the loss she had suffered. It had been strange, one day her husband had been fine and then the next he was dead. There hadn't been any signs, no symptoms, no sickness, just death when she had awakened one morning nearly three years before. Potent though the healing magic of the Tallurians was, it could not bring back the dead, not that she hadn't tried, burning herself so low that she had nearly lost herself in those first moments of shock when she hoped it might not be too late. So lost in thought was she, reliving memories better left untouched that she hardly noticed that the carriage had finally come to a stop until one of her attendants knocked upon the side gently to alert her. “My Queen, we have reached Lalrial.” At that she blinked, her crimson eyes refocusing on the man in red and white livery and then she nodded. “Very well. Inform Marra that I will be with her shortly. And have my horse readied, I have someone I need to see.” “Yes my Queen.” The attendant said quickly as he bowed his head and moved away from the carriage. And several minutes later, Queen Varminia of Tellaria, accompanied by several of her guards rode off into the city. The area that had come to be known, informally to its occupants, at least, as Amrothan Row was the area of the Imperial city that their Prime Magistrate and assortment of other staff had come to occupy largely in permanency. It was far from the typical standard of a spacious estate, though one could argue enough money had been invested to keep the assortment of buildings at least as presentable as any other manor. The presence of Dreiben's Bannerlord had seen that many more guards were present, particularly the Bannerguard, some atop their mounts in their resplendant armour and boasting their carefully earned and splendidly crafted wings, while others had become the more mundane foot soldier, though no less formidable. It was as such noticeable that the extra traffic had come to demand temporary stands for ses, the extra horses, and even such transitory structures seemed to of been created with great care, ever the Dreibene eye towards their equine charges. The ever present canine companions too were evident, seemingly wild but leashed by some unseen discipline. Varminia rode slowly through the streets, flanked on either side by two of her guardsmen in thier distinctive white and crimson garb. The crimson haired queen of Tellaria glanced about as she did so, there was something pleasant about this part of the city, something that sparked fond memories, even if some of the things she now looked back on fondly had always irritated her in the moment. With her guards to her sides she rode towards the center of the Dreiben "estate" within the city. There were many things that she had to do, but this would be first. She had not spoken to her late husband's family in person since before he died and some things had to be done before one could truly move on. One of her guards moved to ride in front of her to announce her presence but she waved him back and went forward herself. "Please inform Lothar that Varminia has come to see him." She spoke to one of the Bannerguards. The attending guards had watched impassively as the Tellarians had approached, knowing the distinctive colours of the Queen's guards for what they were and the relationship between Dreiben and Tellaria being what it was, there was no cause for anything but an attentive calm. A single Bannerguard stood at the entrance to the upper levels of the buildings that served as the primary holding of Amrothan in Lalrial. He nodded an affirmative at Varminia and bowed in a measured manner of respect, before opening the door and deftly entering in one swift movement. Only a few seconds passed, indicative of someone taking a message being passed on, before the Bannerguard returned. "If you are so inclined, my lady, the Bannerlord would have me escort you somewhere comfortable so that you may speak." He said, inclining his head once more in deference. "Yes, that would be wonderful." Varminia spoke quickly before dismounting a bit awkwardly, still sore from the days of sitting in the carriage, riding had not helped in that department. "Await my return here, and make yourselves comfortable, it may be a while." She spoke to her guards who nodded. Then she turned back to the bannerguard. At Varminia's acceptance, the Bannerguard allowed her the time to dismount and its attendant duties, before beginning to lead her up the stairs and through the simple but ever cluttered cloak room that spoke of its use, and through the hall that lead to the room that Lothar had come to occupy for most of his time, filling the day with speaking and thinking. The stalwart guard had not imposed any smalltalk on Varminia, and let his hand knock on the door politely twice, and no more. A measured pause came before he opened the door, swiftly moving inside and making room for guests to enter. "My Lord, Queen Varminia of Tellaria." He said simply, bowing curtly before moving with purpose to exit the room behind Varminia, allowing the privacy he knew was implied by Lothar's simple nod of dismissal. Lothar turnt his green eyes upon Varminia, offering a smile to her and the lead of the conversation with his silence. "Hello Lothar," The crimson haired Queen of Tellaria spoke at first. "I'm sorry I never came in person before but everything has been much harder since..." she trailed off as she walked across the room. Varminia was known for her control over her emotions and ability to appear unflappable. But at this moment the cold facade had cracked noticeably. Lothar cast his eyes downward, allowing Varminia a moment, he gestured to the assorted furniture, he himself drawing closer to take a seat. "Of course, yes, yes it has, please, do sit with me." He said, there was little he could offer now, three years on, and they had yet to speak in person since even before then. "You already know the reasons, but I will again apologise for not being there for the funeral. The triplets were so young and Reimar had been so difficult that year.. it was what it was, but I still regret that I could not attend." He offered, a sincere apology that had already been well tread in letter form. "I hope that you do not come to only speak well of the departed, I do not expect such memories added onto these.. difficult times, will do either of us much in benefit." Lothar allowed himself to relax somewhat, giving Varminia his full attention now. He expected that even the smallest similarities between himself and Siegfried would cause her pain, and no doubt even coming here had caused her to relive times that could not be regained. Varminia had taken her seat as well and when Lothar finished speaking she nodded and then allowed herself at least a faint smile as she raised her own gaze once more. "I do not come to relive the past or open old wounds. But there is a closure in this, a catharsis. I regret that none of the children could come, perhaps you will visit Rianis again." The Queen smiled a bit more genuinely at that moment as she thought of something else. "Did you hear Avalia is betrothed? I was worried that we would never find the right person for her with her difficulties, but now she's going to be wed in barely two months. You should bring the family, join us for it." Lothar offered the familiar smile reserved for family at the thought, considering the prospect. "I did hear, yes, Rodan Valian, I believe. Adelheid hasn't told me much about him, other than his apparent ambition. Worse things to be known for, no doubt. I am sure Yvonne will not need much convincing, and Charlotte is always an amenable soul. I can't speak for Adelheid or my erstwhile firstborn son these days, but I'm sure I couldn't think of a better first trip for our youngest." He answered, small variations of a fatherly smile playing across his face as he spoke of all his children, even the somewhat elusive Reimar. "I look forward to gathering for a happy occassion again, it has been too long." Varminia was pleased and her crimson eyes met Lothar's green ones. "I'm sure those of our children who haven't run off will be happy to see their cousins again, or to meet them for the youngest." And then the smile faded a bit. "Unfortunately we do still have to elect a new ruler. I have half a mind to just vote as if it was Tellaria, we haven't had an Empress regnant in too long." "If only other Houses shared your self-awareness, Varminia, if only." Lothar said, allowing some humor before becoming serious. "Allianna has her reputation for good and for ill, but she doesn't command enough respect or attention, at least not short of some small miracle. Her greatest asset remains her neutrality in her lack of marriage, but that can only be sold once if she so desires - and would need to draw the backing of a house that would bring others, and that seems.. a distant prospect, at best. It seems this race is largely between Ralltene and Jakinius, but she could divide the vote sufficiently. Such an impasse would be.. difficult." Lothar finished, sharing some of his minor insight so far, he was still not as informed as he wished to be, but what he said was fair and true. "I know. The temptation is there though. Jakinius is the proven choice for war, Divorain even trained him in that art, he could never best Divorain with a sword but he was even then becoming a grand commander. And Ralltene, he bleeds gold, or so they say. Still the obvious choices are not always the best." Varminia mused aloud. Lothar shrugged, an uncharacteristic action of admitting the vast unknown that was reserved for times only found behind closed doors amongst friends. "Rumours already abound in the city concerning both, though I do my best to ignore them. No doubt Ralltene will ultimately come to..." Lothar paused for a moment. "convince through fiscal avenues, shall we say, enough electors to resolve any difficulties, providing Jakinius does not sweep the board somehow. That aside, I believe that any untoward actions by either party are unlikely for now, beyond the usual bribery. Your vote is your own, you needn't hear me say that, and I will extend the courtesy of listening to Allianna and Jakinius before I make any decision. I have already had the fortune of learning Violette's motives in the matter from their Prime Magistrate himself, and they are appropriately understandable and self-serving, as you'd expect." Lothar looked at Varminia, giving an idle thought some merit, he continued "If you believe Allianna is a viable choice, then perhaps a discussion with her would be prudent as soon as possible. It may be.. unconventional, but I am Dreibene after all. Perhaps we could meet her together? An unusual situation may be the best way to gain a measure on the woman I know so little about." He asked, pondering if it perhaps was just a little too unconventional. "It is only wise to speak to all the main contenders. At least see where they stand and what they plan for. And while Violette is an ally I hesitate to place them in a position where the head of their house sits beside the emperor." Varminia replied, pausing for a moment as if to consider how best to continue. "I think we should meet with Allianna as well, if we were to throw our support behind her others would likely follow, I think that under normal circumstances the child who stayed in the capital to learn the ways of ruling would be the first choice if she were not a woman." Varminia paused again there. "I will arrange a meeting, and send word to you as well." "Then we have two very different matters of import to keep an eye to." Lothar began, smiling. "I cannot say we will reach a firm agreement on the subject of Allianna, but I am not opposed to seeing what may come of this. I still fear there may be difficult times to come, as such it is no small burden lifted to know that you yourself remain, not simply an ally, but.. family." "Of course we are still family, that bond does not break with one tragedy. I thank you for seeing me on such short notice, I am glad that I came here first." With those words spoken Varminia began to rise from her seat. "Though now I have to make sure Marra has kept everything in order. If she spent her whole stipend on fancy wines again..." Varminia trailed off but it was clear that her criticisms of her sister were in good spirits. Lothar rose in unison. "No doubt my brother has had the good fortune of experiencing her parties, she may of needed extra stock to make up the shortfall he no doubt caused." Lothar responded, a half joke not intended to reflect poorly on anyone. "It has been good to see you, no doubt I shall have that honour again soon, even if it is for matters of politics. Let me see you out, I shall have to take stock of your charger, it would be poor form of me to not make sure your horse was up to my apparently lofty standard, no?" "Of course, thank you Lothar. And it has been good to see you again as well." With that, the two made their exit from the room.