Luna raised a delicate eyebrow at both her travelling companions and smiled warmly, what a odd bunch they made, Illyce with her determined face doing her push ups with quick, rigid motions and Lot was watching her with incredulity written all over his face. Luna laughed lightly and went back to the pot of warm porridge which she was stirring, it was going to be mostly tasteless but it was warm and filling. “I’m alright Lot, thank you. I’m not quite as helpless as people seem to think, plus this doesn’t require much skill, just keep stirring it. Thank you for the offer though.” Within a few minutes the meal was finished and Luna scooped out three bowls of steaming porridge and handed one to each of her companions, Illyce had finally stopped her press ups and was eyeing the dish warily but Luna pretended not to notice. Taking a spoonful of her own food Luna blanched slightly at the blandness but it was so nice to have food, after the last couple of days they had endured anything close to normal was heavenly. For a while there was just the soft crackling of the fire and the sound of three people who were just content to eat and regain their strength. The cave was warm and after they were done even the long road ahead didn’t seem so insurmountable. Although she hated to disturb the sleepy contentment they had to discuss their next steps if they had any hope to reach the north which was her only chance of survival. “So does anyone know what direction we are now, are we further from our goal or closer to it?” Luna glanced at Lot who had a better knowledge of this area having spent the last few days in it she hoped they could find their bearings again. Lot seemed to blanch slightly at being asked such a direct question and he seemed to be trying to avoid her eye. “Well Princess from what I can tell from looking around we seem to have been lucky for once. We have actually fled in the direction we were intending to go although on a parallel line from where we were before. Also we don’t seem to have lost more than a week, if we continue going north and push quite hard we should reach our destination before the worst of the storms hit,” Luna glanced outside as he spoke to where the sun was shining down upon the forest, the only hint of coming winter was felt in the night and before dawn. It was hard to believe that snow would soon lie upon the ground. “or at least it should be bearable to get through.” Luna nodded with determination, her eyes finding Illyce’s within the shadows of the cave and they both shared a moment, only the length of a heartbeat, but with more feeling that could be said in an eternity. “Come on then, if we can push ahead today we can hopefully make up some lost ground. Let’s get going then.” Luna smiled with her blazing warmth that seemed to light up the cave more fully than the sunshine, her hair glittering as she stood, ready to face the day.