[quote=@Pepperm1nts] For what it's worth coming from someone that hasn't posted yet, I'm going to go ahead and agree with Nex. I don't want to say much for fear of hurting the RP, but I will say this because I have been wanting to, and because the claim Nex made about people not reading IC posts really bothers me. I have been struggling to write a post. I have things to do, and I'll be honest -- I procrastinate. I'm also a slow writer. But I have been trying to write something, and as of today, I actually made some progress with something that I was hoping would work out. But the pace of the RP is too much. And I honestly don't think a discernible story can be told at this pace. It's just too much. But it's not my place to tell you how fast you can write, so I dealt with it. But if what Nex says is true... then, well, I have to be honest -- it's not very encouraging. I don't want to spend time writing a post - struggling to, really, to keep up with everyone while also writing something I am happy with - just to see said post get buried beneath a mountain of posts before the day is over. A post that, not only gets buried, but doesn't even get read according to Nex. And if it won't be read, what's the point? [/quote] I should point out that one person made a distasteful joke (apparently a joke) that they did not read every IC post, I can assure you from those I have spoken with that the majority of players do read posts. I'd be hard pressed to stop Gold/Gowi/Raptor/etc from commenting on every post that goes up. A lot of this is in the chatroom so I can understand why people would get the impression. As for the pace, it did start off fast but has slowed down considerably since it was first posted to like three a day at best. The Last Gilded Throne had a similar start. The moment the Election was over it became a snails pace but was still enjoyable. There is also more going on here than it seems but I won't go into it since it is in the past. Anyway, I thought I'd clear that up before people started freaking out. Edit: Also at no point did I state in the Int check or OOC OP this mid to high fantasy setting was geared to realisim...not sure where people got that idea from...