[hider=Nameless Swordsman] Name: Nameless Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/KILozx0.jpg[/img] (Preliminary image. 30 minute sketch.) Class: Myrmidon Age: Unsure, appears to be early 20s Sex: Male Weapon Rank: Sword E Equipment: Ancient Sword (Basically a Bronze Sword) Skills: Avoid +10, Amnesiac (Poor Skill and EXP Growths) Plot subjective: Yes Personality: An odd mix of humored and indifferent. He often does his own thing, but the moment he's pulled into conversation, his true nature of a complete space case tends to show. He's not unintelligent or careless, but rather off in his own world. However, in the face of a pretty woman, he tends to lose all focus. Basically, he's an idiot. Biography: A swordsman who can't even remember his own name. The first memory he held was waking in a Plegian cell. He managed to escape and gather a sword that he'd apparently had with him when he'd been captured, and he felt an odd affinity. Since his escape from Plegia into Ylisse, he's been working as a piss poor sellsword. It seems that it's only through a miracle that he has not died due to his own lack of skill with a blade. Or perhaps there's something more. Either way, the man cannot tell. He was conscripted into the military more for his own protection than for any semblance of skill he might have held. Over the past 6 months, he's proven to be somewhat capable, or at least durable, able to support others in combat without becoming a liability himself. As of late, though, he's been plagued by odd dreams about dragons and a far off land. Trying to push his concerns to the background, he's started to become more focused on his tasks as a combatant. Perhaps there's hope for him yet. [/hider]