[center][h1]Astral Plane- The World Where Paths Cross[/h1][/center] With the crowd in the area thinned out, a soft smile crossed Lydia's lips. She had honestly expected a much lower turnout from those who she had summoned, so the number that she obtained was well beyond her expectations. With this, maybe...! "So... it seems that, at the very least, there is yet hope for me. Thank you; all of you, for listening to a stranger's wishes. I need some time to prepare the first gates; there are a few dimensions that are on the brink of collapse, and I cannot leave this area without compromising what remains of the record. While I do so, I humbly ask of you to make acquaintances with one another. The distortions are much too large for any one being to take on alone, so I implore you to make the most of this time. Pardon me." With that statement, the being known as 'Lydia' fades into the light, her corporeality seemingly dissipating into nothingness. The sounds of gears grinding, however soft it is, manages to somehow make it through the walls of the building. [i]"While modifications are underway, I cannot maintain my physical form. Please, do excuse any disruptions you may experience this time; it's taking all of my effort to keep everything as stable as I possibly can."[/i] With that last statement from Lydia echoing around the room, the pseudo-silence once again overtook the room. [h3]Satori Komeiji- The Girl Even Vengeful Spirits Fear[/h3] Satori sighed as the strange girl ran her mouth off before disappearing off to... Somewhere else. There was no need to be so wordy; thanks were superfluous, since everyone here was probably around to stay regardless. She herself had no reason in particular to stay around, but even if she went home... What then? She had detected no trace of malice or deceit within the girl's heart, which meant that she was [i]probably[/i] telling the truth. ... Well, to be fair, she had detected nothing else from the woman's thoughts, either; the confusion and chaos within the minds of everyone else around her had made focusing difficult. But, if what that Lydia person had said was correct, then she'd have to work with others. A single image flashed by in Satori's mind: the red-white shrine maiden and the black-white magician, stranding triumphantly over her. A shudder ran down her spine as she shoved the image into the farthest depths of her mind. [i]"No. Those two were strange, even among humans. There's no way that the others that have been called here would have a similar mentality to those two. Attacking first and asking later isn't normal among humans. ... Right?"[/i] Taking a deep breath to calm herself and pushing all the voices shouting in her head to the side, Satori turned to look around at those gathered. "But... Hrm. What a unique crowd she's gathered, though..."