[color=fff200]Byz'zul Lair[/color] Byz'zul was focusing have his attention on his newfound...partner from the sound of what he was saying, partner's word and half on giving his partner another look over. Hm. On second glance, he [i]was[/i] sort of cute. Had the dapper look going for him-he looked like he belonged in Vegas, Byz'zul decided. Wait. What? Suddenly the tone had shifted, even if it had taken a few seconds for Byz'zul to register that fact. From polite introduction to...something else. [color=fff200]"Uh-what's got ya so nervous there Er-"[/color] Then Byz'zul followed the cardsharks gaze. Oh. Good old fashioned surgery huh? [i]How about no.[/i] He didn't want to get any blood on his robes. Well. Anymore blood.[color=fff200] "You know what."[/color] The devilkin said somewhat too quickly for someone at ease with the situation. [color=fff200]"I think you're right. A peek about is just the thing we need right now. Who knows, maybe the previous owner-there was a previous owner right?-left the combination for his vault on the fridge door."[/color]