Name: Akira Hoshino Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=]Civilian attire.[/url] As Celestial, she wears a black undersuit with a shifting star pattern, as well as a breastplate with white gems arranged to resemble the form's constellation, pauldrons, vambraces (the Compass being incorporated into the right one while she's transformed) and greaves. The colour of these armour pieces changes based on her current form (yellow for Leo, red for Sagittarius and blue for Aquila). In addition, the suit's helmet changes, they each have large green eyes, with Leo's baring a stylised mane design, Aquila's having a feather-like design and Sagittarius's resembling a stylised Corinthian helmet. World of Origin: Original Setting Personality: Akira is somewhat quiet around people she doesn't know, though her time in college has forced her to be a bit better about this. However it's only once she feels comfortable around someone that she fully opens up, becoming more cheerful and energetic, if a bit snarky at times. She is a fan of assorted manga and anime, mostly slice of life or action series, as well as assorted tokusatsu series. She also enjoys music, mostly metal (generally more of the heavy or power varieties) and rock, as well as cooking. She can't stand seeing innocent people suffer, although she's likely to wait until she at least has something resembling a plan before jumping in. History: Akira had a fairly normal and uneventful childhood, living with her parents and younger brother. After graduating high school, she moved out to go to college. This normalcy ended one night, when she saw what looked to be a shooting star crashing to Earth and went to investigate. At the site, she found the Celestial Compass. When she moved in for a closer look, a monster which resembled a mechanical humanoid wolf attacked her. A strange voice called to her inside her mind, telling her to take the Compass and guiding her through transforming with it. For reasons she can't explain, Akira followed the voice’s instructions and with its guidance, got through the encounter without any serious injuries. Following this event, Akira had her work cut out for her, fighting similar robotic monsters whenever they appeared. Abilities: Akira carries the Celestial Compass, a golden brace with a large white gem embedded in it and a set of three Star Maps, small black discs with constellations etched into their surfaces. By attaching the Compass to her right wrist, inserting one of these discs and shouting an activation phrase, she can transform into the armoured hero, Celestial. As Celestial, her strength, endurance and speed are enhanced to above-human levels, though the exact levels vary between the forms. Each form has a "Nova" attack which, true to the name, displays much more power than normal, however these are rather draining. [list][*]Leo: Akira's "all-rounder" form and the strongest melee fighter of the lot. In this form, she relies heavily on hand-to-hand combat and can create energy claws to power up her attacks. Leo Nova gives Akira a sudden burst of energy, allowing her to unleash a barrage of empowered claw slashes. [*]Aquila: Aquila is more fragile and not as strong as either of her other forms, but makes up for it with vastly superior mobility. It's faster than her other forms and Akira can create wing-like structures to allow for limited flight. Aquila Nova increases Akira's speed for a short time, allowing for a devastating diving kick. [*]Sagittarius: The least mobile and weakest melee fighter, this form makes up for it with rapid fire ranged attacks. Sagittarius carries a bow which creates a fiery projectile when its string is drawn back. Sagittarius Nova requires a short charging period, after which Akira fires a larger than normal arrow at high speed. This projectile creates a large explosion on impact.[/list] Other: Akira also has a number of blank Star Maps, which may transform into new forms in the right circumstances. This would only happen very rarely and with GM permission.