[h2]Goldibanne, Face of Innocence(?)[/h2] The question had been met rather swiftly with a resounding yes. At least from the exceptionally pale, rather short girl, who looked all the world like a human... except typically humans did not have seams or visibly jointed limbs. There was a faint clicking sound as she cocked her head to one side, grinning widely. How ever could she say no to something like this? Certainly, perhaps Silvabelle(she would have liked to to see Silvabelle stuck in such a confusing scenario, really...) would have been better suited to something like this... but Goldibanne had no shortage of confidence in herself. The living doll had to do this, of course. Mistress's safety was in danger, wasn't it? "Haah, so many people~" she declared cheerfully, twirling on her heel with an excited look upon her face eyes, her golden eyes wide with wonder. At no point in her existence had she ever contemplated the existence of other worlds, nor expected she would meet people hailing from them. So, wasn't wonder an appropriate reaction? Of course it was. Even if this was such a serious situation, judging by what she had been told by the girl who had faded away to let the building work. Placing her heels together and cocking her head to one side, she clasped her hands behind her back, still smiling cheerfully as she did. Naturally, there was only one appropriate thing to do, now. "Goldibanne thinks this is a good time for everyone to introduce themselves!" [hr] [h2]Saber, King Arthur Herself[/h2] There had been little hesitation in Saber's response. Beyond her initial confusion, a matter that threatened things on such a vast scale was something she had to be concerned with. Given the opportunity to stop such a threat, there was no question that she would say yes. It was not merely out of her basic duty, the fact that a knight should pursue good causes and conduct themselves with honor. No, Saber also desired to protect Rin and Shirou. However, at the moment, she hardly looked like a knight. Dressed in a simple shirt and skirt with leggings, she had been called here quite abruptly and had no real chance to call her armor, or anything much else. Instead, Saber found herself in a crowd of other people, people who had been called here from other worlds. That information had been more overwhelming, the fact that there were other worlds in which so many different people could be found was news to the smallish blonde girl, indeed. However, it did not dissuade her. She would do everything in her power, everything she could, to mend these worlds that had faced attack. It was the only appropriate course of action for one who called herself a knight. Of course, Saber was unlikely to start a conversation herself... [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Holding Determination in Her Fist[/h2] Miku... Hibiki's first thoughts had been of Miku, and her family, before she had received an explanation of what was happening. Other worlds? And all these people were from other worlds...? It had been kind of overwhelming, at first, but Hibiki realized it wasn't at all something impossible, was it? And the fact that something like this was happening to people... Even if this situation was confusing, Hibiki knew it had meant that she had to help them, to protect them with her fists. She'd be protecting Miku, too. And so, without much hesitation at all, given what this all meant, she had agreed to help. Now, however, she found herself in a crowd of people from other worlds. It was something else that she felt a little overwhelmed by, and for a few moments all she could do is rub the back of her head and laugh nervously. However, someone had to start talking first... even if she had heard another girl somewhere else in the crowd bringing up everyone introducing themselves... Hibiki took a deep breath and stepped towards the nearest person. "My name is Tachibana Hibiki!" she introduced herself, "My favorite food is rice and rice! Since we'll be working together, we should get to know each other!"