[center][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/0873224eb891a18a9159c98cc80d7548/tumblr_nudzly9ORx1splpy3o1_500.gif[/img] [b]Narancia Ghirga[/b] [hr] Narancia glared with pursed lips and crossed eyes at the woman speaking. If there was one thing that, Narancia disliked, it was long winded speeches about things he didn't care about. That and maths. Who was she to take him out of his work just to help her with hers? Of course, he had to accept the job, it would have been what, Bruno wanted, but the mere audacity of the girl made him slightly angry. Nevertheless, as she disappeared he looked at the rest of the group and despaired. A bunch of little girls coupled with a few alright looking fighters here or there. Nevertheless, he kept his guard up, Pesci didn't look like much of a threat, yet he and his brother almost killed the entire gang. The sound of buzzing could be heard as Aerosmith was summoned and hovered near to, Narancia's head, the radar hovering just in front of his eye. Better to be safe than sorry, or all he knew this could be some trick from the boss. When the subject of introducing themselves came into place, Narancia did the first thing he thought of, and asked their age. A pecking order had to be made in his mind, otherwise he had no way of knowing who was beneath him. [color=0072bc]"The name's Narancia Ghirga, member of Buccellati's Gang, first things first, how old are all of you?"[/color] [/center]