[center][hr][hr][color=9966cc][h1]Tobi Valade[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/kylie-k-jenner/images/9/96/Lucky_Blue_Smith.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20160104102213[/img] [color=9966cc]"Defeat is a state of mind, no one is defeated until defeat is accepted as a reality." -Bruce Lee[/color][/center] [hr][hr] It was silent for a while as the group trudged North. There was so much to talk about but it seemed like no one was in the mood. Tobi figured that it was just sinking in for people that they were stranded on an unknown planet. How fucking crazy was that? On top of that they were the first humans to ever experience this world. They were literally the founders of a whole freaking planet. A bunch of juvenile delinquents were a part of something so huge but most didn't care. It was almost annoying to Tobi, they should enjoy moments like these. Finally Charlie spoke up, so Tobi moved so he was walking in stride with his friend. [color=00aeef]"We're gonna have to figure out a way to get Athena on our side. She's to chaotic to leave alone. Eventually she'll convince some of the other crazies to join up with her and I don't know how well that'll go for us,"[/color] he said, looking off into the distance. Tobi pondered this briefly, and was just about to respond when something else grabbed everyone's attention. Valade watched a cloud of violet/blue birds swarm through the air. Tobi was in awe at first but then questioned why they were flying in such a hurry. Just as it clicked in his brain, a ear-piercing roar echoed through the valley they were in. In a heartbeat, everyone around him was sprinting. Adrenaline shot through Tobi's body, his muscles tensed and he went into high alert. Violet's words kicked Tobi into motion. [color=f7976a]"We need to go,"[/color] she said, and then looked at everyone else before she began shouting. [color=f7976a]"We all need to go! Everyone needs to run."[/color] Valade knew he could easily outsprint the group so he focused on helping the slower kids. He noticed a particularly smaller girl who looked around 12 to 14 who was struggling to keep up with the group. The girl stumbled and was unable to regain here balance. Tobi made it there quick enough to scoop her up before she ate shit. Valade threw her over her shoulder like she was lightweight and continued to run with the group. It must have been an uncomfortable ride for the poor girl, shifting about on Tobi's not so soft shoulder. Oh well, it was better than being a snack for whatever the hell was on their asses.