[b]Name:[/b] Yashm bint Idris al-Rashidiyya [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Like all Jinn, Yashm has an almost ethereal look. Her body is pale white and translucent, seems to shift like smoke or a dancing flame. Her hair is dark black, and has smoke like properties, almost misting off at times. Like all Jinn, her eyes are yellow and slit like a cat. Her clothing is traditional Almaghrebi Jinni, lots of loose fabric, draped over her body. It is colored blue with black details woven into the fabric. As well, the symbol of Ea, a Date Palm Tree on an island surrounded by flowing water, is embroidered on her shawl. [b]World of Origin:[/b] Khu-Shabash (Original Series) [b]Personality:[/b] Yashm is a somewhat timid priestess of the Sea God Ea. Yashm is a somewhat naive girl, always looking for the good of things, and the best possible outcomes, at the expense of a grounding in realism. Aimiable, Helpful, and always found with a smile on her face, Yashm wants only what is best for the world, and needs no motivation to provide healing or help to those in need. [b]History:[/b] Following the Second Madness War, and the departure of the Anunnaki from the mortal plane, the mortal world of Adnat re-entered a time of peace and stability. This was not the world that Yashm grew up in. Unfortunately, tensions grew between the Jinn and Humans, culminating in mutual feelings of distrust and anger. Yashm was one of those Jinn who had the good fortune to grow up in Al-Maghrib, the Jinn Majority lands of the world. Entering into the hereditary priesthood of Ea, the Sea God, and the overseer of healing and agriculture. As to be expected, Yashm was thrust into the role of a healer, and likely this was the source of her desires to mend the problems found in her world. Perhaps it was a mix of a sheltered world view coming from being groomed for only one role her entire life, as well as the nature of that role, that sent her out to seek to change the world for the better. [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Magic[/i] - Jinn are naturally skilled in Magic, having been created, so they say, from Fire and Wind, gaining a stronger connection to the Ethereal than to the Physical. As a Priestess of the Sea God, as well as a being crafted from Elemental Fire, Yashm has significant skill in the manipulation of Fire, Water, and Wind through magical means. More relevant, Yashm can use the magic she has to act as a healer, healing minor to major wounds, stabilizing those who are near death, and healing various poisons and diseases. [i]Ethereal Form[/i] - Something of a blessing and a curse, Yashm's wispy, smoke-like body can let her heal faster, but actual attacks done to her body hit much harder than in a more physical being. A blunt trauma attack will to much more potentially life threatening damage. [i]Healer's knowledge[/i] - Yashm has a good knowledge of human anatomy and physiology. [b]Other:[/b] As well as being pysically less durable, she's significantly weaker than a human, but makes up for it in her skill in magic.