[b]Name:[/b] Claud Albert Hamilton [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Arcana:[/b] Tower [b]Equipment:[/b] A dufflebag he generally leaves at home, and a shoulder bag in which he carries his standard school items. [b]Skills:[/b] Claud has been groomed to be both quick in mind and body. Fairly intelligent, Claud has consistently been at the top in academic pursuits and is able to adapt quickly to most situations. His body has been trained to be rather fit, and he has a basic knowledge of self defense and spear use. [b]Appearance:[/b] Claud possesses long, straight black hair that falls to around his shoulders, while not messy it is obvious that Claud pays little mind to status of his hair. He has piercing green eyes, that are always taking in the details around him, and a somewhat pointed chin. Overall his features tend to possess a downplayed sense of regality. He is rather tall, around 190 cm, and has lean muscles that, while not overly defined, will be noticed upon closer inspection, especially if he is not wearing anything over them. In terms of clothing, Claud tends to wear casual clothes such as jeans and shirts. He also has a tendency of wearing a light jacket over his shirt. His appearance often appears to be rather disheveled. Obviously at Uchima he wears the standard uniform, and surprisingly buttons it up all the way. Although, apart from the uniform, the rest of his appearance remains disheveled. [b]Personality:[/b] Claud is rather introspective, preferring to keep to himself and merely observe others. Constantly being at the forefront of attention all his life has led him to despise the attention and left much preferring solitude. Despite this, there are times when he feels rather lonely, as he lacks the ability to truly connect with any of his peers. At nearly all times Claud feels like an observer looking in on his life and the lives of others. Despite his introspective nature, Claud was still groomed to be an eloquent speaker. He is capable of communicating with others with ease, just much prefers to avoid it. He is intelligent and possesses a cool head at most times. Claud possesses a strong moral character and refuses to back down in the face of what he sees as injustice, feeling a responsibility to help others. However Claud can be late to act in nearly any situation outside of an injustice, particularly those involving himself. In addition once he perceives an injustice, he can be adamantly stubborn and make wrong calls. His secrecy regarding his life and solitude tends to paint an air of aloofness that often leaves him alone and without any allies. [b]Biography:[/b] Claud has always been placed under heavy expectations and responsibilities. His parents told him that he was to always strive for excellence and nothing less was allowed. Be that in his grades or self defense training or whatever he chose to invest his time in, he had to be on top and he had to be exceptional. While this may have been hard on the young boy, it was understandable, as his family is long line of nobles originating in Northern Ireland. It was Claud’s birthright to inherit this position one day. For Claud’s family, it was their duty to lead the lower classes into the future. Their duty as nobles was to shine as a beacon of greatness and to illustrate their merit at every turn. As nobles, others would always follow their example, and as such they needed to make it an example worth following. Being good at something wasn’t enough, one had to be the best at it. However for Claud, such expectations were burdensome and difficult. He had little desire to excel at everything, or even inherit his birthright. For Claud such things were accompanied by too many hardships and disappointments. Truth be a told, a part of Claud was jealous of those who grew up in typical familial relations, instead of his overbearing and yet simultaneously distant parents. Parents who never seemed to be around, but were constantly telling him how he should best live his life. Yet despite his slight jealousy, Claud knew he could never live in such a setting. It was too foreign and unnatural for a boy who had grown up never knowing anything else. Hence his jealousy became more akin to an appreciation rather than a deep seated desire or longing. An appreciation that has carried on into the present. Claud’s early years consisted mostly of tutoring and self studying as he was thought at home. During these years, in addition to basic schooling, he learned a variety of self defense tactics and developed a proficiency for spears and other polearms. That said his inability to properly commit himself led to this training having less of impact. When Claud was eight, his parents enrolled him in a prestigious school in the U.K. It was here that Claud first began having daily interactions with other peers of his age. It was a pleasant experience for the young boy, but it turned out to be a short lived experience. His status as a noble and the consistency of his high end performances, quickly led to the rest of his class deferring extra respect towards Claud. For Claud, who just wished to be on a similar level as others, this was troublesome to say the least. He knew he would stand out one day, but for now he just wanted to enjoy his childhood years. However short they may be. Thus, less than a year later, Claud approached his parents with a proposition: He wanted to study abroad. After presenting the case to his parents, saying things like it’d be a good experience for him to see the world, and that he’d be able to learn many new languages and cultures unavailable at home, his parents reluctantly consented. Claud stayed in many places, first living with servants as his caretakers but eventually transitioned to living on his own. He was glad to be away from his responsibilities and the pressure he faced daily, and in hopes of maintaining it he told no one of his background. In order to appease his parents Claud didn’t join any activities or sports, so that none of those records would have to be sent back, instead he just consistently remained at the top academically. Uchima Senior High is simply the latest school that Claud has chosen to study at, and he does feel a little trepidation with the fact that this will be one of his last stops. As he's lived in Japan a few years before, he does have a proficiency in the language by now. As is par for the course, his nobility status has been withheld from the school. [u]Persona[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Cú Chulainn [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080708183926/megamitensei/images/1/1c/CuChulainn2.jpg[/img] [b]Traits:[/b] -Reflects: -Absorbs: -Void: -Resist: Pierce, Zio -Weak: Mudo [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Torrent Shot Garu Analyze Tarukaja