[@DestinyStar][@BlackPanther][@Zelosse] Smarter'n'me Lvl 15/Day 17/Afternoon [b][HP][/b][i]100%[/i][color=007236]//////////[/color][b][][/b] Smart was in a great mood to share hugs of glowing affirmation and filial love with Scarlet. Dom, on the other hand, was owed a very different kind of affirmative contact. The crushing hug was something he could easily bear and Dom's words did deserve to be heard. So, he didn't complain or fight. He just stayed relaxed until it was over. Dom looked at him. He knew what was coming. It was almost impossible for him to not know how far over the line he'd gone this time. But, the other people around them were a more urgent and important thing to pay attention to. One of the boys had left in a huff, justified though it was, with a parting flip for Dom alone. At least he seemed to respect Smart's own apology enough to not send him a share of the bird. The more mature one was offering the fruits of his labors to them. Mask or not, he really was the leader type. But, for all his planning and strategy, Scarlet had more raw magnetism. It would be fun watching how they sorted their group dynamic out. The boy was offering belts for all, but he was paying most of his attention to the dominating-hug-master. So, Smart didn't respond right away. But he found himself laughing softly at Scarlet's embarrassment. Of course she would get a boyfriend someday. Their were going to be plenty of eager candidates for that spot with how she was developing. But, that meant a different problem. Where to hide the bodies. "Scarlet, you talk like there's doubt. Of course they wont be good enough for you. Hell, the right one wont be good enough for you ether." He said with a chuckle and a smirk. "You vouching is all that'll save that one." The smirk froze for just a second when she touched the patch. It was hurting her, but she was handling it. Smart stood up and crossed the space between him and the clearly-uncomfortable-mask-wearing-leather-and-buckles-fan. He accepted the trade quickly for the belt that was offered to him. It had the same armor as the one he had but the stat boosts were a plus so he put it on right away. Besides, those stats would come in handy sooner rather than later. "Thank you, young man. If you pick up a trade in real life like you have here, you're sure to be successful." He said, smiling. "Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment." He equipped his tonfa. The two weapons materialized at his hips and he readied them quietly before jumping straight up. With a flip, he planted his feet against a rafter and kicked off powerfully. His downward lunge drove his reinforced punch into Dom's chest hard enough to carry him through one chair, which shattered to bits, and into another which slid backwards until it fetched up against the wall with a thump. The moment after that thump, a crash signaled the end of another chair as it careened into Dom's head, shattering into shards that bounced about the room, providing colorful lighting for the split instant when Smart landed just in front of Dom. All of that jumping power went into an uppercut with the blunt tonfa. Only the immortal object status of the ceiling spared the room above from having a suddenly installed emergency exit. For the briefest moment, the two old men hung there. One with his head pinned between the ceiling and a tonfa, the other with an expression similar to a man conducting a somewhat unpleasant dissection. Their eyes met. Then they started falling and Smart raised his knee and kicked backward, throwing himself into a forward spin that abruptly ended in a single blurry instant. Then he hit the ground, landing on his feet. He stood up and returned his tonfa to his inventory. His boney hands briskly brushed his sleeves as though to remove dust. "Now, we're even." Said the ex-lawyer. As for Dom, he landed outside, in the remnants of the window through which he had been ejected by the force of Smart's downward slash. While the remnants were reduced to shards of light, the bearded man remained. Smart approached the window and raised his voice to announce a matter of great importance to the slowly thinning crowd outside that was now frozen in place by surprise. "And, THAT! My good people, is how you conduct a proper defenestration! Thank you. Have nice day."