[b][u][i][h1]Augustus Alsroht[/h1][/i][/u][/b] [h3][i]"[color=FF4000]I worry about dying. Not because I fear death, but because I fear my brother managing anything more than a houseplant. I stay alive to save my people, not myself.[/color]"[/i][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/54bd/f/2013/255/b/1/zen1_copy_by_omocha_san-d6lzh98.png[/img][/hider] Standing at 5'5", he's rather short for the standard dashing image of nobility, he would argue that this is because most of his growth went to his brains instead. While simple in design, his red robes are trimmed with gold, emblazoned with a sun, surrounded by two wyverns eating each others' tails. The symbol of house Alsroht. [i][u]Age[/u][/i] 24 [i][u]Sex[/u][/i] Male [i][u]Weapon[/u][/i] Anima [i][u]Asset[/u][/i] Speed [i][u]Flaw[/u][/i] Resistance [i][u]Personality[/u][/i] His younger brother Keisser had always been described as wearing the cape of the royal asshole. If his brother wore the cape, Augustus wore the whole rest of the outfit. A deadpan snarker by nature, he didn't doubt that parts of his brother's personality were definitely the result of Augustus's influence over the years. The most frequent target of that snark, of course, being Keisser. As the heir-apparent to the kingdom, the people had no idea about this of course. He was trained from a young age how to address the public, and he tried to maintain as regal an image as possible when not among people who were close to him. Being in proximity to his brother, however, tended to break the facade. Or anyone else who sufficiently annoyed him, for that matter. He was a man who loved his country, and was filled with as much pride as was expected of a prince. It could even be said he loved his brother, although he would likely never admit that to anyone, let alone the man himself. It could be said that while his brother had the love of the army and the people, Augustus had their respect. The two, in the end, made a good team. A shame only one of them was in present company. [i]Alignment[/i] Lawful Neutral: While he cares a great deal about his people, it is his belief that a king must be above the concepts of good and evil, and instead must strive to do what is best for his subjects. Law, however, superseded both concepts. It brings peace, and nothing benefits a nation more than that. [i][u]Biography / History[/u][/i] Being the firstborn son of the royal family, Augustus was raised from birth with the expectation that he would be the heir to the kingdom. He had always been a smart child, and gotten the attention of the kingdom's mage advisers from a young age. His brother, born just a couple years after him, showed a much larger knack for the physical duties in life, and thus caught the attention of the kingdom's wyvern knights. The two developed a (not so) friendly rivalry, reflecting the long-present divide in their nation. Erkonne was a nation of wyvern riders, somewhat withdrawn from the rest of the world. They maintained steady trade relations with their neighbors, but mostly kept an isolationist policy, using their strong military to ward off anyone looking to take advantage of their small size and rich mines. At the upper eschelons of society there were two main forces in conflict: The military, and the mage-advisers of the king. The two battled constantly for influence over time, and indeed small civil wars had erupted under kings who were too weak to keep the factions in check. When house Alsroht came to power it put an end to the fighting: placing the military above the mages and ensuring any king who sat on the throne was also a wyvern rider. Still, to appease to mages, they added the Sun to their house sigil, representing the anima magic the kingdom's mages practiced. Augustus was poised to tip this balance once more upon his ascension to the throne. His father was in failing health, and already the advisers were putting pressure on him to declare the military subservient to them. However, before any of this could come to a boiling point he... vanished, and found himself at The Tower. Ripped away from his family and his kingdom.