[color=lightGreen]Name[/color]: Kazue "Kaz" Hamasaki [color=lightGreen]Age[/color]: 17 [color=lightGreen]Normal Appearance[/color]: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d1/ea/ca/d1eacaf17aff6956450cb622c44ed5c7.jpg [/img] [color=lightGreen]Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?[/color]: No. [hider](If anybody wants to make some sort of friendship with my character and install it for him, I'll be okay with that. If not, I'll have Kaz's NPC friend to do it :P)[/hider] [color=lightGreen]Avatar Appearance[/color]: [hider][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-AT3H-B-axps/TlsQrpUyxPI/AAAAAAAADdI/--KXB-_S-NE/s1600/sock_Monkey_touristblkwhite.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=lightGreen]Dueling Avatar Name[/color]: Peridot Ward [color=lightGreen]Dueling Avatar Appearance[/color]: [hider][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/63/a4/0e/63a40e08a07875349b1be475b32fc80e.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=lightGreen]Rank[/color]: Rank 0 [color=lightGreen]Legion?[/color]: Open to join any Legion [color=lightGreen]Biography[/color]:[hider=Bio] Kaz is a recluse and always has been. Ever since he was a young boy he pushed people away, and kept to himself. It was never anything personal. Kaz wasn't the smartest kid in class, nor was he the least educated, but he felt he had a certain wisdom that nobody else had. The teachers saw it in his essays, he didn't get good grades but the philosophies that he had and the way he conveyed them was amazing. The way he sees the world and society was never heard by anyone except his close friend, the only friend he had through all his school years. His friend was good to him, he pushed Kaz do more and try new things. It was when they reached High school that things changed. Kaz's friend fell into a depression after a long divorce between his parents. Kaz tried to get his old friend back, but his efforts were vain. Kas was 15 years old when his friend couldn't handle the stress anymore and found a permanent solution. Kaz felt guilty that he couldn't save his friend, someone who he was supposed to know like a brother. Kaz went on with his life, trying to be the person that his friend always wanted him to be. Now he is trying to be less of an anti-social and more outgoing, however hard and awkward that may be.[/hider]