What was this place? Or perhaps the better question was where was she. Dayna could not recall how she had come to be in this strange place. She had managed to cling to the events that had been taking place before she lost consciousness however. She had been at home, with the ones she cared most for. At home in the Eternal Gardens of Sentrance, right alongside her favorite waterfall. She could remember its roar, the force of its energy as it rushed over the rocks but at the same time, she could recall its gentle lapping further downstream once it had calmed. She remembered the familiar pulses of the other elemental energies as they resonated with her very core. This place, felt strange. At least it had felt strange before they showed up. There had been a definitive ebb of elemental current which she had sensed once she awakened. Everything looked different though. Strange structures of stone off in the distance. There had been glints of other energies she was accustomed two as well, but these energies were fluctuating. They were hard enough to feel let alone track and remain connected to. She had found iced over water, had seen it with her own green orbs, but yet, had felt no connection with its energies or that of the flames that littered the stone structures on the horizon. This place was cold, empty and what little fluctuations she had sensed from the frozen waters, and ground bellow where she hovered had felt so foreign. The elemental sprite had been so lost amidst the strange land she had barely felt the life force approach her before she had been captured. The strange prison fell down upon her and suddenly, whatever shred of connection she had felt with the elemental energies of this new land became severed and a great emptiness enshrouded her. They had spoken to her briefly and she had understood their tongue. It seemed as though they had understood the responses she thought she was giving them in her native tongue as well, and she knew that she had sounded anything but welcoming. How could they blame her really? What did they truly expect since they had sealed her up in this prison that canceled out any form of energy reception. Two emerald green orbs manifested within her mass and she glared up at the strange creature before her. "Well aren't you strange looking!" When she spoke the sound was a feminine echo that seemed to pulsate from her entire mass. She continued bitterly her words laced with displeasure" Not to bright are you? Of course I have name, but why should I give it to you? Your strange looking pals trapped me in here. They didn't even spare me a moment to greet them. Is that how you things treat strangers? Is it part of some strange social culture to just run around catching things in strange clear prisons? Where I come from, we a least give strangers a fair chance before locking them away or extinguishing them." Her blue mass pulsed several shades of a darker blue, conveying her displeasure as clearly as her voice did. Dayna vibrated her form rapidly in an attempt to expand with enough force to shatter whatever the prison was constructed of and although she filled what was left of the empty space and the entire inside of the prison turned an opaque sapphire blue causing it to wobble then topple over, the structure held fast as it rolled back and forth across the table. "Damn it!" she spat as her green orbs reorientated themselves to face the strange creature called Winston. The furious glare seemed intense enough to burn through a piece of steel. "I hate this place, it feels so empty. where the hell am I anyway?"