[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/dd/80/5bdd8075ac9eee7f25399af4fef24dcc.jpg[/img] [b]Character information[/b] NAME: [color=#eeba30]Mikhail "Mika/Mike" Arkadiyevich Kholodov[/color] GENDER: [color=#eeba30]Male[/color] SEXUALITY: [color=#eeba30]Homosexual[/color] AGE: [color=#eeba30]16[/color] YEAR: [color=#eeba30]6th[/color] HOUSE: [color=#eeba30]Hufflepuff[/color] BLOOD STATUS: [color=#eeba30]Half-blood[/color] [b]In-depth Information[/b] APPEARANCE: [color=#eeba30]Mike's messy hair and expressive eyes are nearly the same ebon shade of brown, so dark they appear black most of the time, with his irises being only a slightly lighter hue. He can't be called short by any means, but neither does he tower over others in any noticeable way. His ears are sharp, his lips bow-shaped, and his nose thin and straight. Mike cares more for his appearance than he thinks he should, but he is happy with the results nonetheless; presenting clean skin, a fit body, and a white smile. He carries himself carefully, as if afraid of stepping on someone's toes, but it pays off with his apparent grace, and he doesn't stumble or trip often.[/color] PERSONALITY: [color=#eeba30]Mike is fairly confident in himself, but any ego he might have had was swallowed up be his great humility. He's very aware of his skills and talents, but he doesn't believe they makes him better than anyone else. Compassion is important to him, and his empathy for others is a big part of his personality. His good traits don't save him from hypocrisy however, Mike can be vicious when pushed, and reckless even without stress.[/color] HISTORY: [color=#eeba30]Mikhail's father, Arkadiy, was Russian, and his mother, Nadia, was Romanian. They met online, Nadia being a muggle attempting to learn Russian and Arkadiy a pureblood learning about muggle technology. Not long after meeting, the two followed Nadia's dream to live in London. Arkadiy was all but paid off by his family to leave with her so he couldn't embarrass them with his muggle-loving ways. The two provided a comfortable home for their two children; the eldest being Lidia Marcella Kholodov, named by her mother, and now graduated from Hogwarts and employed as a Healer at St. Mungo's; the youngest was Mikhail, named by his father and affectionately dubbed 'Mika' by his family, though he is more often called the more anglicized 'Mike' by everyone else. Despite his parentage Mike only knows a handful of words from either of his parent's languages, knowing more French than Russian or Romanian. He was born in England, and considers himself English with a love for the UK. His mother managed to get a job as a teacher in the city, putting pressure on her kids to behave and make good grades. They were allowed certain freedoms though, reprieves from spending every second of every day in proximity to their parents. Mike made friends and spent as much time as he was allowed with them, often at their houses instead of in his own. Mike's father went to Koldovstoretz, so he had to rely on his older sister for everything he wanted and needed to know about Hogwarts. They sent letters to each other daily for a time, and while the pace of their correspondence slowed with time, their relationship remained strengthened and the siblings grew closer. The oddly formal relationship the two kids had with their parents remained unchanged, however. Mike was largely distant in his first years of Hogwarts, spending most of his time trailing after his sister in Ravenclaw or getting by on the kindness of the Hufflepuff Prefects as study partners. He sent letters to all his muggle friends, but by second year those friendships had decayed due to Mike's inability to access the internet or physically be present. It was the beginning of third year that the acquaintances that were his housemates became real friends. Third year was his first year alone, his sister graduating in his second year, and the Hufflepuffs stepped up to fill the void she left. In fourth year he bought his first pet, a kitten he called Mercury, whom quickly made the decision to only answer to the nickname Mercy. Despite the addition of the lovable feline to his circle of friends, this was another year of estrangement. Mike spent a lot of time contemplating himself, starting with his sexuality, which spun his life into a web of uncertainty. He became more careful of what he said, what he did, and how he acted, and more observant of the same in others. He gained and lost friends, and his relationship with his family became strained. During the summer after fourth year whatever good feelings he had for his family were buried under his distrust and silent hatred. He never told them why he hated them, never tried to explain or change their views, didn't even tell them anything was wrong, but even the blind could see the house was full of poison, thick silences and biting remarks. Even though his parents did not have favorable views on LGBT persons, they were still a liberal family among wizards, but he always went a step further. He criticized their dismissal of House Elf rights, he sneered at their aversion of magical beings, and he rejected their desire to keep the status quo. Fifth year was a better one for him, and much of it was spent with his friends, smoothing over the stress and anger he felt living with his parents for so long. He had no desire to hide himself after that, and even requested his preferences be spread around by the rumor mill so that everyone would know and he had not even an illusion of hiding. He no longer cared if they judged him, but he wouldn't be stifled at Hogwarts, not like he was at home. He didn't keep his other views to himself either, but unlike with his parents he didn't throw them into everyone's faces, only entering a debate or sharing when others wanted him to. He returned home that summer much more diplomatic, but the air was even more volatile than before. The subject of the Cloaks was broached once, and once only. His parents were conflicted, but ultimately his mother decided she supported the group’s ideals, and his father vehemently denounced them. After the spectacular argument that followed, Nadia became more of a friend to her son, more akin to when he was just a child asking to spend the night at a friend’s house. Eventually Mike confided in her what had started his rebellious phase, but by that point he’d already been influenced by his decisions and no matter what her opinion was it wouldn't change how he felt about any of the many issues he'd fought with them over. Once she finally found the reason her son hated her, that her opinion on something that had seemed so disconnected from her life was actually hurting her family, she abruptly began to change. When Mike returned to Hogwarts for sixth year he was once again writing home. He felt guilty and relieved, knowing that the disaster that was his family was his fault and might have been avoided if he’d spoke up earlier, but ecstatic at the weight that had lifted from his shoulders at being accepted by his mother despite everything.[/color] [b]Magic[/b] WAND: [hider=Vine Wand] [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0221/1146/products/hermione-wand_1.jpg?v=1453459171[/img] [/hider] [color=#eeba30]Vine, Dragon Heartstring, 12 ¾, Bendy Mike's wand is a slight yellow-green color, thin, and decorated with vine patterns. It was crafted by an unknown Russian wand maker and was paid for as a gift by his pureblood relatives. The vine wood marks a seeker of purpose, the dragon heartstring gives the wand the power to fulfill that purpose, and the bendy quality shows the wands ability to adapt to change, all around an amazing wand that Mike has grown quite attached to.[/color] BOGGART: [color=#eeba30]A Zombie, a disease riddled corpse, shambling forth. It represents a fear of sickness, and of death.[/color] PATRONUS: [hider=PATRONUS IMAGE][center][color=#eeba30]Little Owl[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qoCqQoh.png[/img][/center][/hider] TALENT: [color=#eeba30]Mike excels in Charms and has a love of Divination. [i]Deletrius[/i], the Eradication Spell, used to be impossible for him, but he has since mastered the charm and become better at all magic for the understanding it granted him.[/color] WEAKNESS: [color=#eeba30]Arithmancy troubles him, and he views Care of Magical Creatures as pointless, but his unavoidable failings are in Potions. In early years he thought the class a lot like cooking might be, but since then he has come to know it as infinitely more complicated and ridiculous. Many spells are hard for him, mainly those that he deems as needlessly cruel and pointless, but the biggest of his worst spells is [i]accio[/i] the Summoning Spell. Mike is beginning to think it is because he disdains the laziness of the spell that he lacks the motivation to cast it. The disdain may be slightly hypocritical.[/color] [b]Other[/b] PET: [hider=Mercury "Mercy"] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/01010c6545a5dc6f21d04db1770103f7/t826rcj/gakmmbisd/tumblr_static_tumblr_m78u9iwzjz1rbs3w3o1_500_large.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] EXTRA: [list][*][color=#eeba30]Mike is a Chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.[/color] [*][color=#eeba30]He is well-off and could survive off of his family’s money without working a day in his life.[/color] [*][color=#eeba30]Mike wants to learn to invent spells as a profession.[/color] [*][color=#eeba30]Muggle technology plays a large part in his life during the summer.[/color] [*][color=#eeba30]His patronus is significant to him, owls being a sign of wisdom which acts as a much needed reassurance to Mike’s doubts.[/color][/list][/center]