"Yes," the administrator answered. "You will meet the rest of the company, as well as a few hired guards, at the border town of Gurrivo. Try to keep your official indicators hidden there. The people aren't too happy with us at the moment, seeing as how we have recently taken them from Zitera." __________________________________________________________________________________________ "Chief! Chief!" shouted a young Dahote warrior as he charged through the thick underbrush towards the village. He nearly crashed into another as he ran desperately for the village. "What's wrong?" asked the other, a bit disoriented. "Tell the chief there's men on our lands! Possibly invaders! Hurry!" The two of them ran for the chief's hut. They ran up to the leather flap that acted as a door and went right through with a resounding FLAP. The information was much too important to let a door stop them. Through hasty words and extravagant gestures, they got the message across. "Hmm . . ." Chief Megedagik muttered to himself. "Get me my son. Immediately."