Apologies in the delay of posting my CS, been really busy with work and only had time over the past few days to add to it piece by piece. [hider=Stergoe Vorark] [b]Name: [/b] Stergoe Vorark [b]Species: [/b] Zabrak [b]Age: [/b] 22 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Faction: [/b]Sith Empire [b]Rank: [/b] Apprentice [h2]Appearance: [/h2] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/87fb/f/2013/170/b/d/sith_portrait_by_saraforlenza-d69q3ho.jpg[/img] [h2]Notable Characteristics of Species: [/h2] His species is most recognizable by the facial tattoos as well as the horns that all Zabraks have, in addition he also has two hearts and high pain tolerance, making it easy for him to push through most attacks before succumbing to his injuries. [h2]Flaws: [/h2] Over-analytical: Analyzes situations to the point whise he becomes distracted rathis than focused on the task at hand. Envious: Stergoe is always wanting the advantages that othis have, even when he obtains them, he always looks onward to the next target. Selfish: When it comes to himself, he is his top priority, if a situation calls for to abandon or kill someone so that he may survive, he gladly do so without a second thought. Manipulative: Always trying to get people to do what he wants or to have them fall into his favor. [h2]Skills: [/h2] Form VII/Vaapad: Whilst he's not perfect with this form, he has fairly competent skill at it and is one of his favorite lightsaber forms to use against any opponent that he faces, feeling a raw offense can't be beaten. Form I/Shii-Cho: Adept with this basic form, it being a fall back if his Vaapad form doesn't do the job, though he tries to use this form as little as possible. Agile: Very quick on his feet and well-coordinated as well, able to get back on his feet quickly. High pain tolerance: He like many of his kind, have a high tolerance to pain and it will ta [h2]Force capabilities: [/h2] Telekinesis Throw: Stergoe has mastered the basics of the force, including telekinesis and is also capable of using the force to throw objects at a target. Force sight: Limited with this ability, Stergoe can use it to see through usually just one wall, though not for an extended period of time. Force lightning: Stergoe is just learning how to use this ability and doesn't have it mastered yet, as a result the duration of this ability is constantly varying, sometimes being a good length, other times it will stop fairly shortly. Force empathy: Stergoe uses this ability to better understand who he's trying to manipulate and share feelings of the same nature though they aren't what he's actually feeling. [h2]Biography: [/h2] Stergoe was born on Iridonia, he had a fairly decent home, it wasn't extravagant, but it wasn't poverty, like many young ones in the galaxy, he had been detected by the Jedi and someone had been sent to his parents to get their permission to train him as a Jedi. They were ecstatic and proud that their child was selected and agreed. It wasn't long before he began to understand the force, taught how to use it to manipulate objects as well as being taught Jedi history. However as time went on and the more he progressed through his training, the more difficult he became among the Jedi, feeling that he was a great Jedi already, he would constantly disobey his master that he was learning under. Doing such things as entering locations before intelligence was gathered, drawing his weapon when there was no need, disregarding the safety of civilians and so on. The council had considered expelling him from the order, but he was given one more chance to see if he could develop into what most Jedi should be. He however didn't seem to be improving, his arrogance and disobedience was still an issue, but the thing that finally made the council expel him was when he had been sparring with another student, his over-confidence getting the best of him resulted in him losing the match. Anger having set in over how his peers were giving his opponent praise and what he thought was taunting coming from him, he had ignited his lightsaber and thrusted it through the other padawan's back and out his chest without even thinking, instantly killing him. With that final act, he was expelled, never to be a Jedi which only angered him more, so much so that he had tried attacking the council, though they being masters, easily defeated him and then removed him from their chambers. He spent many years roaming Coruscant, trying to find a way to get back into the Jedi Order, his anger and hatred at the council only growing stronger as his exile continued, finding it unfair that he was expelled, feeling that he was one of the only ones that would be a truly great Jedi and the rest were just a waste. One day though, a Sith gathering some intelligence for the empire sensed him, not only the force flowing through him, but his strong anger and hate, so he started to speak to him, learned of his story and then offered to have him further his training, though without the restrictions the Jedi had. Seeing as this was a way for him to continue to before a force user, he eagerly accepted and continued his learning, only this time to become a Sith, rather than a Jedi. On Korriban, he quickly excelled through his training, using his hate for the Jedi to give him the advantage in combat that he needed, many of the instructors being impressed with him. His training soon concluded where he had been given a master who promoted him to the rank of apprentice, now all he looks forward too is being able to slaughter any Jedi when he can. [h2]Personality and/or Motivation: [/h2] Stergoe seeks to be the most powerful Sith in the galaxy, his ambition being to take the Empire for himself as well as destroy the Jedi Council that expelled him from their order, he's arrogant though he doesn't let that get in the way too much and he always is trying to get favor and progress himself further though the Sith ranks, he knows he's destined to be great and be remembered in history as the most powerful Sith there ever was and he won't let anyone or anything get in his way of accomplishing that. [h2]Player’s long term goals: [/h2] Mostly have fun with this RP and make it last long as possible, but I also want to potentially return my character to the light, haven't played many Sith and even fewer that didn't stay that way, it's an interesting concept I've always thought about but never really did and this seems like the perfect story for me to do such with my character and I can't wait to see what events will unfold with him. [h2]Relations: [/h2] [h2]Final Point - Secrets: [/h2] N/A [/hider]