[hider=The Light Prodigy] [b]Name: [/b] Chloetta Derrick [b] Appearance: [/b] [hider][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/151091072/large.jpg[/img][/hider] [b] Class: [/b] Troubadour [b] Age: [/b] 18 [b] Sex: [/b] Female [b] Weapon Rank: [/b] [i]Staff:[/i] Rank D [i]Light Tome:[/i] Rank E [b] Equipment: [/b] Heal Staff, Lightning Tome [b] Skills: [/b] [i]Resistance:[/i] Increased Resistance to Magical Attacks [i]Defender of Justice:[/i] Chloetta is filled with the spirit of justice and light and has the ability to use Light Tomes even if her class does not allow her normally. [b] Plot subjective: [/b] Yes [b] Personality: [/b] Chloetta has a tendency to act without doubt and with a calm, confident face. She fights for what she believes to be right and fights against those that would oppose it. She finds that people that people that follow their convictions are respectable, albeit those same people could have moral corruption and do horrible things. She has a subtle inner hatred of herself for losing sight on her own convictions and tend to not call people out on being flimsy in their own convictions because of her incident. Otherwise, she is a kind girl to her friends and allies, though she is a bit difficult to get to open up past her ideals. Inside she is both hurt and matured by all the incidents that have happened in the years since Derrick’s death. But she only shows her sometimes cold, mature side on the surface and masks the inner hurt child with that. [b] Biography: [/b] Chloetta was an orphan in a town on Valm and was adopted by a member of the Church of Naga and was raised as a devote follower of Naga. Her benefactor, Derrick, taught her right from wrong. Taught that those who cannot defend themselves should be protected and those that would harm them should be stopped. He was a good, kind-hearted Monk that raised a girl in a small town in the country. Derrick ran a small shrine to Naga and was a help to most of the villagers. Sadly, times are ever dangerous and brigands are always a danger. A small town with no trained guards is hardly a challenge for even the greenest of vicious bandits. Unluckily for them, there was a user of Light Magic on the opposing side. Derrick lead a small militia of villagers against the bandits with heavy loses on both sides. As the fighting slowed, the leader of the bandits slew Derrick. Finding their loses worse off than what they could gain, the bandits retreat with their tails between their legs. However, there was no cheering for victory, only mourning for those lost in the battle. Husbands and wives lost, buildings destroyed, and the pillar of their community dead. With his last breaths, Derrick told Chloetta that she is, and will always be his daughter and that if she follows her convictions she will lead a happy life. She kept his Tome of Lightning as a memento and always close by. A few years later, vowing to help stop villains overall, she traveled to the main branch of the Church of Naga and decided to help as a healer. Provided with a horse she named Franz she joined the Protectors, a group of fighters tasked with fighting Grima-Worshippers that are a danger, as a Troubadour. Not long after her troop was sent to a town to protect its Naga worshippers. It was simple, lure the heretics out and then dispatch them quickly. It wasn’t. It never is. Her job was to stay back in the town square with the citizens and come if one of the fighters were injured. Unbeknownst to any of them, a Grima-Worshipper hid themselves in the crowd and almost slaughtered one of the villagers, but not before Chloetta struck him down with a shot of magic from the Lightning Tome. After the battle, the Villagers and her comrades praised the girl for her quick acting. “The Lightning Prodigy” some started calling her for her amazing first usage of the tome. Soon she joined on [i]six[/i] missions with “The Protectors” and eventually was moved across the sea to Plegia, under the command of the “Sword of Naga”, Bern. She found him to be a good man upon her first interaction with him. Future events decided to degrade that view quickly though. Her first mission on that side of the sea though showed her the true horror of conflict. Chloetta was not sure what happened overall. It was violence for violence. Barbaric. They were just as bad as the bandits that attacked her home as a child and killed her father, Derrick. It wasn’t just those who fought that died. It was the defenseless as well. This was. . . It wasn’t even justice to kill the defenseless. Still, she couldn’t go against her brothers and sisters like that. Not when they were as likely to kill her in their zeal as they were to kill the Grima-Worshippers if she mentioned her thoughts. On her return she questioned Bern why they would even kill the defenseless. His reply was simple enough to understand. By purging all heretics, one could prevent future disasters. She then wondered, if she was following the right path. Were her convictions right? Does heretics mean more than just Grima-Worship? Has she been fighting more than just Grima Heretics? At this point, she joined in on the missions but neglected to kill the defenseless, subtly protecting those she could without getting in trouble. More often than not, at this point, she would only heal the wounded. [b]Trivia:[/b] She took her father’s name as her Surname. [/hider]