[h3]The Two In One Detective - Shotaro Hidari and Philip[/h3] The duo had naturally answered yes in regards to helping Lydia save the world. What kind of Kamen Riders would they be had they refused? The reward hadn’t interested either of them, at least not now given what they had to deal with first. [color=lightgreen]”If our reward is whatever we wish, you could motivate yourself with a wish to become the hardboiled detective you’ve always wanted to be, Shotaro,”[/color] Philip quipped. [color=mediumpurple]”Hah, real funny. Then maybe you can motivate yourself with… Uh… Aw, get a hobby already!”[/color] Shotaro retorted. Though, to be honest, there were a few things that the two were interested in. Namely a few family members… But they would cross that bridge when they came to it. For now, they heard someone- the young… girl? She seemed like one of those ridiculously lifelike dolls you see in an anime, really. [color=lightgreen]”How fascinating… The “multiverse” holds no shortage of surprises, doesn’t it Shotaro?”[/color] [color=mediumpurple]”Eh? Well, I guess so. I definitely didn’t expect there to be a whole bunch of uh…”[/color] Shotaro’s eyes scanned the crowd, [color=mediumpurple]“Kids? Buncha kids in here! All you guys can pull your weight, right?”[/color] he asked, honestly concerned for most of them. Well, maybe except for the one girly looking kid that proclaimed he was in a gang. You had to be tough to get into one of those. Though… He’s not sure where the funny toys he had buzzing around factored into being a gang. What the hell were they? [color=lightgreen]”I think they’re more than capable,”[/color] Philip replied, [color=lightgreen]”Now then. I’m Philip, 17. And this is my partner, Shotaro Hidari. He’s… 22? Was it?”[/color] [color=mediumpurple]”Older than you, and that’s all that matters,”[/color] Shotaro responded, [color=mediumpurple]”Together we make a single Kamen Rider. What about the rest of you? What can you do? I can see that the gang-kid’s got… funny toys?”[/color] He eyed Aerosmith skeptically, unsure of what use there was to it aside from being a major annoyance. Going off Narancia, Shotaro figured most of these people were hiding powers that weren’t immediately obvious. The one exception being Mister Quiet, of course, and his giant sword over in the back.