[@Damiann47][@Eklispe] [color=deepskyblue]Rayo slapped the cat hybrid on the back in a friendly manner. It could have hurt or stung depending on how fragile the individual happened to be, but Rayo meant it in a playful way. "Noes goes," Rayo then tapped his nose to demonstrate he did not have to grabbed the drink of water. He placed his hands at his hips and leaned back to release a heavy laugh. "That was some great swordsmanship," he complimented. "I'm not sure what you are, but you are cool with me." He walked over to Orion and looked down at his damaged body. His face grew stern and his voice had gone extremely deep. "Orion, you have disappointed me," his eyebrows showed seriousness and his expression demonstrated no mercy. He held out one hand in the air above the dragon half-ling. His expression then grew into a giant grin and he burst into a loud guffaw. The luchador smacked Orion on the chest. "Why didn't you tell me you could turn into a giant wolf?!" He roared while heavily laughing again. "You were a complete monster; I thought you were just a kid, but now I know not to judge the books by the cover, you know?" He slapped his knee as it kept hitting his funny bone. "You should have just did that in the beginning, little compadre." "Don't you think so-uh, I still don't know who you are," he asked the cat hybrid.[/color]