[h2]Airbender and Apollosarcher[/h2] Matthew leaned over the rail, green in the face as the ship finally made made port. He gave off a few disgusting groans as he dry heaved over the side of railing. "Carrots... I never eat carrots and yet it always taste like carrots." He groaned going over to clean up before meeting with the guards and diplomats. He walked in, the soldiers with them lined up ready to leave. "Alright, myself and the Exalt will be taking the back streets in disguise the rest of you will be traveling along with the diplomats and the royal carriage." He explained, they had decided earlier it was best to sneak back to the castle as it was to much of a risk to travel with such a large group. Matthew walked up Saya's room which was in the captains quarters knocking on the door he spoke. "Your grace, I'm ready to depart when you are. The soldiers will go with the diplomats and act as decoy will I return you to the palace." He said straightening his robes and pulling up his hood as to hide his face. He'd heard yesterday from Andres that a bounty had been place on his head. "Do you need anything before we go, I can go get it if you need it." Exalt Saya hummed to herself as she went through a set of moves with her sword, the legendary Falchion. It had been wielded by heroes before her and it was only thanks her grandmother Lucina that she was even using it in the first place. She always remembered to thank the woman every chance she got. Swordplay was great stress reliever, especially for one with so much weight on their shoulders. She was a bit clumsier than usual due to the rocking movement of the ship. She was wiping the sweat off her brow when there was knock at her door. A familiar voice reached her ears, one that made her smile. She leaned Falchion up against the wall and the opened the door. It was Matthew, a Tactician and practically her younger brother."No Matthew, I have everything I need." She said, glancing around behind him as she spoke. "There's no one around, don't worry about formalities. You're family." "Saya your the Exalt, I do have to exercise a degree of formality even if your mother did bring me to the castle." He answered blushing a little, truth be told he enjoyed it when she said they were family. It was reassuring to hear that, she was always looking out for him even if he was supposed to be guarding her. "Were docking now so you and I will be leaving out the side with the crew." He said as he made sure he his spell books were in place and his sword neatly at his side. "So, I guess once we get back were going your going to decide with Andres and Isa what were going to do about the coming Crusade huh?" He asked really hoping she wouldn't bring him into it and call him Naga's Champion. He'd heard the crew muttering about it for days now, it was starting to get on his nerves. He didn't want to champion anything, especially if he was going to have to lead a war effort or something like that. He always thought that was something for kings and heroes? He certainly wasn't a king, and he didn't think he looked anything like a hero. Saya's smile turned into something a little more playful. "Yes, that's right, I'm the Exalt. And I order you to be less formal when we're alone." She said, knowing full well that it wouldn't work. This wasn't the first time they had a conversation like this. It probably wouldn't be the last. When Matthew said they were docking, the Exalt immediately went and retrieved her sword. Anything else she had brought would be going with the main group. The two of them would be traveling light. It was a lot better that way. Nothing to drag them down if they got attacked. Not that she brought much anyway, she definitely wasn't a heavy packer. "That right, you'll be joining us of course. Not only as a Tactician, but apparently as Naga's Champion. We'll need to get everything figured out quickly. I don't want the country to be unprepared, especially when we know the attack is coming." She knew he didn't like the fact that he had been named champion, but they just couldn't help it. Saya wouldn't send him off without help of course. She just wasn't sure who was going to help him yet. They would have to figure that out at the meeting. But for now their first priority was getting back to Ylissol safely. Matthew groaned and mumbled. "I swear this trip has been nothing but a problem. Alright Saya lets get going before they other leave. Please try to be discreet." He told her and with that he walked up slowly towards the docks following the crew down the side ramps. Knowing Saya would be right behind him he spoke. "The carrier raven reached us, let me know that a bounty has been placed on the champion of Naga. They have a rough description but no picture, so as long as I keep my hood up and we just stay quiet we should be fine." He told as if warning her not to get involved with any trouble they might come across. "Besides, your the mission here Saya. I'm just another tactician you've got ten more graduating next month." He answered, that of course would be his class. Eleven student out of all of Ylisse had gotten to study their, it was considered a high honor. Tacticians generally got attached to units to fill gaps or make up low numbers, while they weren't the most seasoned commanders, it far surpassed the old of simply having a Knight lead squads of soldiers. Tactician trained at the academy had become an important part of Ylisse's military might, which gave it an edge when fighting, fight smarter not harder Andres always told them. They had just entered the Ylisstol gates, apparently the soldiers that had been traveling with them were having to push back a small group of jeering people whose loyalty seemed first to the church. Matthew kept moving, taking a few back alleys he planned to bring Saya into the palace through the servants quarters. He remember when they were children, sneaking out through here to go play in the market. Saya's mother had been worried sick about them both and promptly banned Saya from leaving the castle, needless to say they went back again next week. Saya just smiled at Matthew, it wasn't exactly easy to be discreet when just about every person in Ylisse knew what you looked like. But she would do her best. Maybe if would help if she didn't smile? Saya tried not to, but she kept finding the smile returning to her face. She stayed closely behind her Tactician, ready if anything happened. While she enjoyed swordplay, she didn't enjoy the violence it brought. But if somebody attacked, she wouldn't hold back. They'd quickly find that the Exalt wasn't as defenseless as she looked. Saya reached up from her spot behind Matthew, wanting to pat the younger male's head. But out of fear that the hood would fall, she instead placed that hand on his shoulder. "You are far more than just a Tactician. You're my little brother. I wouldn't care if you had graduated the bottom of your class, I still would have chosen you." She put her hand down as they reached the gates, as to not give anything away. One of the hardest things she would ever do is walk past those people, and not do anything. They were angry about something, and it was her job to bring them peace. Yet, due to the threat of the church, she couldn't. Once they were passed, she let out a heavy sigh. "Screw the church. Threatening me and my people, riling up usually peaceful people, not allowing me to do my job. If I had a sibling that could rule while I was gone, I'd join you in kicking their asses. As it is, get in some good shots for me, okay?" She said in an unusually angry voice for her. Saya wasn't the type to get mad, she was almost disgustingly patient. She could win a staring contest with a statue if she wanted. But not today. "Saya... Were going to fight this war together... I'm here for you. I know I don't say it often but you are my family and I'm happy to have you around." The young turn and smiled at the Exalt hugging her. "Thank you for being the best sister I could ask for." He told her in a soft voice, knowing she would be happy to hear that. He knew Saya needed some reassurance with the coming war and everything that had happened lately. "Besides... You could always put Andres and Isa in charge of organizing things here. After all your Exalt! You can go to war if you want to... Besides, I don't think you could take the stress of me being out there without you." He stepped back giving her a soft smile, a gust wind blew back his hood, revealing his soft blue hair. "Well ain't this touching?" A chuckle rang out as a large man with an axe slowly stepped into the street. "Sorry lady but the boy is coming with us. Bern's pay 20,000 gold for him and 30,000 alive so you can hand him over or we can do it the hard way. "He chuckle. At the back of the alley two lance toting soldiers took position, three sword wielding foes spread out to block the path forward. The fighter with the axe and a female mage pulled back to the end of alley, the mage have caused the gust of wind moments ago. Matthew drew his sword looking to their opponents at the rear and the ones in front. "Damn this is bad... Saya were pinned in, they've got the number on their side. We need a way out, they might have more mercenaries coming!" Matthew told her spell book in his right hand, with his sword outwardly stretched in his left. In truth he was more worried for Saya, if she got hurt here it just make him look like trouble. Matthew was good at that, making Saya feel better if she was upset. It was the same in opposite too. But after knowing each other for so long, it was only natural. He was right, she could go to war if she wanted. She had people who were perfectly capable of keeping things in line while she was gone. "You're right. There's another thing to discuss when we get back. Me going with you to fight this war." She knew there would be people who would oppose the idea. But she was the Exalt, she could do what she wanted. She knew at the very least her grandmother would be proud. So would her great grandfather, if he was still alive. Saya muscles immediately tensed up when a gust of wind knocked the hood off Matthew's head. She reached up to put it back over him, but paused when she heard the voice. Lady? Obviously they didn't know who she was. She could use that to her advantage. As she drew her sword, she looked around them to see what they were dealing with. The biggest threat appeared to be the ax user and the mage. The sword wielders she could take easily, and the lances wouldn't be too much of a problem. She had fought plenty of them in mock battles before. If there was one thing that being a leader had taught her, it was to fake confidence. She glanced at Matthew, letting him know silently that she had a plan. "Seven against two? Now this isn't fair. I think you need more people." She said, advancing on the axe wielder. She shoved a finger in his face. "Now listen here. I'm not in a very good mood right now, but I'm still a nice person. If you walk away now, I'll let you live. If you don't, I'll shove this sword so far up your ass that it'll never come back out." She said, making sure he got a good look at the sword in question. When they saw the blade that she had, maybe they would think twice about attacking them. Anyway, the hesitation would give them just enough time to break through the lines. The man with the axe growled. "Fine, let them pass lads... It's the Exalt. We can't risk killing her, not even for that much gold." With that the mercenaries slowly began to disperse, the female mage however lifted her hand released a spell at Matthew. It sent him flying back into the wall his sword falling to the ground, the mage girl chuckled. "Some Champion." She huffed, not bothering to remove her hood she set a brisk pace the two soldiers following her as they left. Matthew got up coughing, smiling up at his sister. "That's my big sister, always keeping trouble away from me." He smiled dropping his hood he walked her towards the palace. "I think we should reform the Shepherds, it would let me recruit anyone who wants to join us into a sort of special force. The main army can operate better under Isa and Andres anyway, plus I figure the Exalt ought to get lead her forces with her brother." He smiled and put his hand in hers. "I promise you were going to end this war and you'll get to see your people happy again." He told Saya, knowing that he would do his best to fulfill that promise. Despite the fact that they were leaving, Saya kept a very close eye on the mercenaries as they left. Threatening to advance on the mage woman who knocked Matthew into the wall. Only after they were out of sight did Saya move to help her little brother. "What would you do without me?" She teased lightly. She helped Matthew to his feet, then followed him as they made their way back to the palace. She couldn't wait to tell her grandmother about the encounter. The woman would be so proud. It would have been her first real battle, but she had managed to resolve it without violence. She was proud of herself for that. "That's a great idea!" She exclaimed when Matthew suggest they bring back the Shepherds. "We can clean up the old headquarters to use again." She could practically feel great grandfather Chrom smiling at her from his grave. The Shepherds had always been an important part of their history, but with the advances to the army involving Pegasus Knights and Tacticians, they hadn't really been needed, and eventually dispersed. Now would be a great chance to bring them back. "You'll be the leader of course, as our Tactician and Naga's Champion, but I'll be your second in command." She said, already excited about the whole thing. "It'll be the only time you get to order me around, so enjoy it while you can." Matthew smiled. "It depends on what Andres and Isa have to say. After all they might make us share command." He answered chuckling. "Still, you handled yourself like a true paragon of peace back their." He walked back with her as they neared the throne room he spoke. "You go ahead and speak with them, I'll be along soon. I just need to clear my head." He told Saya, a he stepped out on to the balcony over looking Ylisstol, this was his home. If he didn't fight for it... They might lose it, he didn't want to be Champion but that wasn't in his control anymore. He sat out their for nearly half an hour before he finally entered the throne room. Isa was throwing a fit. "You can't seriously be considering leaving with some newly graduated tactician to save the world! If you have to send him then make him go by himself!" Andres spoke up. "Matthew is talented but I seriously doubt he could lead the Shepherds besides where would you get the soldiers to fill the ranks of these Shepherds?" Matthew coughed walking over to the desk where Andres kept his notes. "According to our Grand Master, some knights have mentioned volunteering to fight under the Champion, as well rumors have spread. We send out the word we need strong people for the Shepherd were bound to fill the ranks in no time." He answered stepping between Isa and Andres. Isa glared. "You would take some of my soldiers for your little unit?" She was not happy to turn over any soldiers to some one she couldn't directly command. "No, the Exalt will reassign to the Shepherd which we will both be leading." Matthew said, glaring back at her. In truth the woman scared him but fake confidence was better than none. "As for if Saya should be allowed to go, I'll keep her safe on the battlefield. Beside's she believes that you and Andres are more than capable of handling the army while we head out." He smiled playing to their pride. Andres grumbled. "Oh so I should trust you are now able a fully able tactician, you may be top of your class but you have no field command experience." Matthew walked over. "Well then I should go with Saya and get some experience directing battles." He told Andres smiling. Matthew took a seat on the seat leading up to the Exalt's throne. "Now why don't you both go spread the word about the Shepherd? Andres if your about to say I'm out of line I'll tell Isa about your new hobby." Matthew knew the grumpy old man had a hobby of painting women indiscreetly. If Isa found out, well their would be a large fire outside the academy that's all he knew. Once they left Matthews facade of confidence faded, nervously he looked up at Saya. "I hope I didn't anger them to much..." He said worried Isa wouldn't speak to him anymore, she had been his teacher in how to use as a sword for as long as he could remember. "Was that okay? Was I too mean to them? I hope Andres isn't agree I threatened him with that." Saya waved at Matthew when the two of them finally separated and made her way over to the throne. She didn't mind Matthew going off for a little while. It would have been the first he had that much pressure on him. She had grown used to it, but not everyone had, so she would be patient. Calmly, the Exalt told Isa and Andres what had happened at the meeting, about Matthew had been named Naga's Champion, and about their plans to start the Shepherds up once again. They took it all about as well as she had expected, which was to say, not at all. Saya was about to pull the Exalt card and end the entire discussion when Matthew returned. She surprised him by taking charge and trying to convince them of their plan. Their excuses were the fact that they were young and experienced. Matthew response was an excellent one. The entire thing ended with Isa and Andres' reluctant agreement. Saya could have spoken up and ended things at any time, but instead she stayed silent, curious as to how Matthew was going to handle things. Once it was just them in the room again, Matthew's fake confidence disappeared. "You were fine. I was going to force them to agree by pulling the Exalt card anyway. You handled things very well." Saya said, "With a little bit more experience, you'll make a good leader." Saya stood up from the throne and walked down to where Matthew was. "Shall we go check out the old Shepherds headquarters? See what needs done to fix the place up?" They had just gotten back, but Saya was eager to get things started. The sooner they started getting ready, the more prepared they would be for the church's attack.