Name: Mavis Oakley Age: 44 Gender: Female Race: Undead -- Namely, zombie. Job: Mortician Personality / Biography: Class-A zombie from the job title to her rather sad state-of-affairs. She didn't choose her job, most zombies being viewed for their assumed-slothful behavior beget her an assigned career path & a government-loaned apartment. Despite her stereotyping, Mavis is outgoing -- from her interest to athletic activities including the stereotype-defying parkour, her deep passion for wine tasting & gardening. Due in part to her status as zombie, her age is betrayed by her still youthful looks & if it weren't for the bleached out hair, cold-to-the-touch body temperature, bloodshot eyes & penchant for brains she'd pass as a solid 28. The woman was born & raised in Ankh-Morpork as a healthy human up until a play-date with the zombie-neighbors daughter lead to her transformation. Once she hit 18 she was thrown into the work force, & forgotten in the dump that is her neighborhood. On the bright side, she sleeps like a rock & the nightly brawls don't keep her up at night.