[quote] [color=fff79a]"Welcome! We want you to know that here you can be anyone you want to be. You don't have to be who your parents think you should be. You don't have to follow their hopes and dreams. Here you can write your own stories. We want you to explore and find who you truly are. Some of you will be heroes and some of you will be villains. No matter which role you end up in it should be your choice and no one else's. So you will all be trained and treated the same way."[/color] [/quote] Jordan chuckled to himself in a corner and exhaled lightly. [i]Heroes, villains, what's the difference? All different players in this marvellous game, who cares what side you're on? Then again, most of the people here are either goody-two-shoes with no sense of humour in them or rotten little villain's children hoping to make something of themselves. What a bore[/i] he thought to himself as he noticed the pirate again, hitting on another poor girl. Then again, by the looks of her she could stand up for herself. Jordan grinned as he walked up to them. [@Rusalka][@Demonic Angel] "Hello [i]ladies[/i]," Jordan said, emphasising the ladies part to see if he could rile up that interesting pirate girl. Normally he didn't find any use for girls but this one was strange. Perhaps what his father always said was right, perhaps one girl is more use than twenty boys. Who knows? Jordan gave a strange smile at the two. "I hope m'lady Axel here isn't causing you too much trouble, is she, Little Miss Scary?" he chuckles, sighing with a mischievous glint in his eye.