[@Light Lord] [color=ed1c24]"Ehehe...um, I think it's a Sinnoh prototype," she lied as she looked over it again. He had a good guess, that's for sure. "I was given this by a...family friend, of sorts. I really just wanted one of the older Hoenn models, or the Unova Xtransceiver, but he insisted, so...yeah. I'm actually surprised your mom works in Silph! What does she do there? Business, research, or...?"[/color] Liza hadn't really anticipated this to go on and on, but she had a good cover and alibi to go on now. In a group full of trainers with big, buffed up Pokemon, she wouldn't be constantly singled out by some random snot wanting to make a few quick bucks off of the nearest Trainer they saw. Not that beating those kids wouldn't be good training. Still, something ticked her off. Call it a pang of envy, but Liza realized her Pokemon, really just the one Treecko, was much (it pained her to say this) weaker than whatever Pent, Devon, or Sirina had on their persons : Pokemon that could walk the talk. How did champions like the world-famous Cynthia and the legendary Red get past so many people? Wit, ability, experience, trust...all these she was sorely lacking as a Trainer just starting out. Absent-mindedly, she had gone from a very curious face to something of a thoughtful frown as she stared into Nana's eyes.