((Collab between Letter Bee and Gentlemanvaultboy)) The doors to Mr. Hut's office opened, allowing Rudolf and GG to enter what at first appeared to be a small, spartan room barely big enough for the baskerville to fit, with a simple wooden desk and a portly man in a tuxedo, with a full head of hair and piercing blue eyes, as well as a small mustache, in a chair at the end. However, once the doors closed again, the portly man - Mr. Hut - clapped his hands, causing the walls and ceiling to widen and expand, providing more room for the Baskerville. The desk then retracted into the floor and was replaced with a large table filled with choice meats and vegetables. "Do you like it?" spoke Mr. Hut. "This is my new 'Office of Requirement', fitted with complex machines and memory-alloy materials that allow the room to change to their owner's specifications, and the specifications of the guests. I just entertained one young heir in this room, now...let's just say that you have full run of it as I do." "Now, you're here about Tops?" asked the man. "Well, that's who my information led to. I... GG, what did daddy tell you about fatty steak?" Rudolf said as the behemous marched forward and lifted a large steak into its mouth. It looked back at Rudolf, hands on his hips and tapping his foot, then raised its head higher and marched off to one of the rooms far corners to tear into it, ignoring him. Rudolf shook his head. "So headstrong. Just like his father. Anyway." Rudolf contiued, walking up to the deck and making himself a sandwitch. "I've been looking for a proper thread to pull on this hobbyist situation for a while now. I think Tops might be that thread, I just need to know where he is." "Two places," spoke Mr. Hut, "the first is his establishment, Tops' Bar and Hotel, which I gave to him five years ago as his 30th Birthday present. The second is The Labyrinth, a section of heating and water vents, as well as storage facilities, running underneath the city, at the crust of the station. Another hangout is Madame Venus' Pleasure Palace, where almost every kink can be satisfied." Rudolf bit into a slice of something or other that he's put between two slices of lettus in liue of bread. "Labyrinth seems to me where my interestes lie," he said between swallows. "Unless you can fit an army of monsters in a bar or brothal. You have a map of it?" A small column rose up to Mr. Hut's left, carrying an old-fashioned paper map on its top, which the man then took, then tossed offhandedly to Rudolf. The paper map contained an image of the twists and turns of the Labyrinth, as well as the presumed base of the 'Artificial Rancor' Army. Ruldolf gave the map a thorough look. "I was hoping for something digital, but this works. Is there anything down there that you absolutly don't want broken." He asked, sideying GG has he came back to the desk and, heedless of Rudolfs disapproval, took another steak. "My boy can get a bit...rambuctious in exicting situations." "There's a small fusion reactor and a large pipe transferring heat from it to other places. Don't break [i]those[/i], or you'll literally die, along with millions of workers and customers," was Mr. Hut's reply. Rudolf whipped out his PDA, scanning the map with it before fiddling with the digital display that was created. He found the reactor and the pipeline and, with a few deft flicks of his thumb, marked them as vital area. Then he he input a six digit password and pressed a button to the screen. A light at the top of the PDA flashed and GG looked up, its eye flashing the same way. "I just updated the VI with that information. It shouln't be a problem now. I'd like to do the same with any personelle you might have down there. Informants, agents of yours, people you want to make use of. I don't want anyone caught in the crossfire." "I won't pry, of course. We are a security company, after all. Client are entitled to their privacy." "Well," said the portly man, "I already have a few hundred agents watching the labyrinth, as well as a list of moles within Tops' organization." Another column and piece of paper arose, and went towards Rudolf. "Here is the list. Warning, though, Tops himself won't likely be at the Labyrinth, but I can trust others to 'take care' of him." "I can't imagine that he won't move once he relizes what's happening." Rudolf said, scanning the list without looking at it and repeating the process. The PDA blinked. The eye blinked, the pictures on the list registering in the VI. "That should give your people ample oppertunity to grab him. I don't suppose I could meet these people, could I?" "They're in one of my suites in this very spire, a varied bunch of people, technically employed by the Heir to the Mayors and Merchants' association - oops, sorry, I mean the Guild! -" Mr. Hut was interrupted. "Small world, so am I! I think..." "Yes, the Guild's Mayors provide the space for your company to work in, while they and their merchants both provide funding," Mr. Hut was a little cross. "Either way, Paradise 'Par' Rapids is here on a fool's adventure against the Sphinx, which dovetails with my plans against Tops nicely." Another smile. "Vegas Station is a world in miniature, so, yes, 'Small World' is a good description. Now, anything else?" "Can't think of it if there is." Rudolf replied, giving two sharp whistles. GG got up and wandered over toward them. "Pleasure doing bussiness with you Mr. Hut." He said, extending a hand. "This rancor problem of yours is going to be settled in no time." A smile at that, and the doors opened, beckoning the guests to finally continue with their business... Rudolf look at his hand, then brough it behind him to scratch the back of his head before making his way out of the room. "C'mon GG." The baskerville lingered for a moment in the office, turning its head as it examined Hut. Then its tendrils floated forward and grabbed as much meat as they could wrap themselvs around and lifting it into the air. It grabbed another steak in its mouth. "C'mon boy!" Rudolf called from the hall. GG took one last look at Hut then padded out after its owner, easily catching up to the chubby little man as he headed down the hall. "We're going to meet our boss, and after that...we're going for a little walk."