[I][b]Character[/b][/i] [B]Name:[/b] Hitoshi Katsu [B]Age:[/b] 17 [B]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Arcana:[/b] Judgement [B]Equipment:[/b] - Fist Wraps (and fist weapons in general.), - Smooth Stone (a large-ish, smooth pebble kept in a pocket. No real function.) - Black Jacket (Its a jacket and it's black.) - Sash (a loose fitting sash of light, vibrant red material. Worn like a belt over other clothing. Not part of his day to day attire naturally.) [B]Skills:[/b] Extremely calm and level headed, able to tackle stressful or just plain weird situations without panicing. High pain tolerance and physical strength. A rational and logical problem solver. [B]Appearance:[/b] Tall and cold of expression, Hitoshi is an imposing figure who stands slightly above the average height of his classmates. While his height helps balance our his physically large build, he is still noticeably bulky - particually around the shoulders. His features are strong and pronounced - with a distinctive jaw and brow. His expression tends to be thoughtful and unassuming, though this is simply his resting face - it has no bearing on whether or not he is actually contemplating anything. Hitoshi has narrow, steel-grey eyes with a slight blue hue, and his hair is a charcoal black - roughly cut to fall almost to his shoulders. This falls naturally into a swept back position, which is fine as far as Hitoshi is concerned. He tends to dress in a rather conservative manner, favouring a 'signature' simple black jacket over whatever he is wearing for the day - which usually consists of simple shirts and trousers rather than the more comfortable t-shirts and jeans he wore as a youth. Despite his beat attempts however, he never quite manages to look neat and tidy - it is always quite evident that he is trying to dress in a way which isn't quite natural to him. Should a dangerous situation arise, Hitoshi will also don a vibrant red sash around his waist - with the intention of making himself more visible to both his friends and his enemies. This is a memento from his unruly days where he learned to fight - brawling on the streets. He also wears fist wraps in such situations - but is not above wielding any other weapons that he can get hold of. [B]Personality:[/b] Quiet and collected, Hitoshi is a reserved student who consistently achieves good - though not exeptional - grades. While it might not be initially evident, he is actually quite sociable despite his appearance: his infrequent speech stems from over thinking and self censoring his words rather than any attempt to distance himself from others. Hitoshi knows that it is easy to cause offence with careless words, so always chooses what he percieves to be the most effective way to communicate. He is very forward with providing his opinions, but always strives to do so in a way that avoids conflict. Hitoshi will always try to find a way out of a situation before it escalates into something more serious - having had significant anger issues earlier in life has led to him fearing the consequences of losing his temper. He is not afraid to be the first to attack however, if he feels that violence would be the best way to diffuse a situation. In order to deal with the stress that he bottles up, he has a nervous habit of needing to handle something - anything - to keep himself occupied. He tends to keep some kind of trinket in his pocket for this purpose, the most recent being a smooth, flat stone. [B]Biography:[/b] Hitoshi grew up in a fractured household. With an abusive father figure, he quickly learned that violence was an easy solution to most problems that life through his way and came to embrace that fact - using it as a defence mechanism to cope with any and every stressful situation that life threw at him. He was an intelligent enough child, but his lack of motivation and drive to tackle problems that could not be solved by attacking them did him no favors in his early school years. As he grew, Hitoshi became a problem child of sorts - aggressive and hostile to pretty much anyone that crossed his path. He found himself in trouble with the law on more than one occasion and as a result began to gain a bad reputation. Naturally, this only served to fuel his dislike of others and his violent streak. After all, if he was going to be judged to be 'the bad kid' then he might as well live up to the name. After finding himself on the losing side of a number of fights he instigated, he began brawling in a back-ally gathering - determined to become stronger and stronger until he could not be beat. It was when he was fifteen that the incident occurred. Furious at some trivial insult, the boy lashed out at his brother and caused some serious harm: going as far as to hospitalise his own family. It was a stark wake up call for Hitoshi - who finally saw what he had become. From that day onward, he changed. He forced himself to bottle up the anger that he felt inside: dreading what he might do to other people - or himself - if he continued down that same path of destruction. He began to focus on his studies and adopted a life of calm, calculated consideration - focusing his frustration, anger and rage into more productive outlets such as keeping fit and learning skills he missed out on in previous years. He began to judge himself - and whether fairly or not, he could not forgive himself for what he had done. It is not the true face of Hitoshi Katsu, but it is the only one he dares to show the world. [I][B]Persona[/b][/i] [B]Name:[/b] Morrigan [B]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSiL4DvDNsl3l8Fiu3ZuMujDFTN2ua-NuZFqDBgatLehUohKM1brg[/IMG] [B]Traits:[/b] -Reflects: -Absorbs: -Void: -Resist: Strike, Slash, Pierce (Phys) -Weak: Hama [B]Abilities:[/b] Cleave Counter Patra Tarukaja