I'll join. I read the books a long time ago, so long ago I really can't remember much aside from the basic premise. :D So it might be good to treat me as if I know nothing. [hider=Amadeus][center][h1][color=8C281B]Amadeus[/color][/h1][IMG]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lz3ta5xKcR1qix4ib.gif[/IMG] [i]"When I discover who I am, I’ll be free."[/i] -[b]Ralph Ellison[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=8C281B][u]Name:[/u][/color] Amadeus [color=8C281B][u]Birth Name:[/u][/color] Ian Sarabhai [color=8C281B][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Day [color=8C281B][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] 5/22/1997 [color=8C281B][u]Age:[/u][/color] 17 [color=8C281B][u]Sex:[/u][/color] Male [color=8C281B][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Ace and Demi-Heteroromantic [hr][center][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=8C281B][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] Amadeus stands tall at five foot ten. He has shoulder length black, curly hair, dyed brown on the ends. He typically either wears it in a loose pony tail or down. If it's left alone, it's never truly left alone but either gelled or styled artfully. Amadeus has dark brown eyes which fit nicely with his Olive complexion. He does have a bit of stubble, which means he does shave, but it hasn't grown in all the way. Or else he'd probably wear a goatee of some sort. He does wear glasses occasionally. However he doesn't need them all the time. Only when he's driving or when he needs to see things in the distance (e.g. Whiteboards, signs, etc). [color=8C281B][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Amadeus' preferred clothing style would be best described as hipster chic. He typically wears casual clothing and beanies on occasion. However he isn't adverse to wearing just a t-shirt with a jacket thrown over.[hr][center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/2ebfp7q.gif[/img][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=8C281B][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*] Goofing off [*] The Rain [*] Singing [*] Skateboarding [*] Hiking/Being outdoors[/list] [color=8C281B][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*] School/Studying/Homework [*] Being stuck inside all day [*] Being told what to do all the time [*] Sweets [*] Internet outages[/list] [color=8C281B][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*] Drowning [*] Impossible Situations [*] Breaking a bone (any bone)[/list] [color=8C281B][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*] Running a hand through his hair [*] Chewing on Pencils [*] When he gets nervous and/or flustered he tends to stutter a little[/list] [color=8C281B][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Dorkiness/Dweebiness ♦ Standoffish ♦ Caring ♦ Intelligent ♦[/u][/center] Amadeus on first impression is a very closed off individual. He doesn't really get close to people. He might speak when spoken to, but will rarely initiate contact. This is mainly because of his desire not to be hurt again by leaving friends behind. However he will break down and start making friends after a while. He just can't help himself because he thrives on interaction. Amadeus cares about people quite a but, even before he gets to know them. Basically he's a big softy. He likes to cover this with his standoffish attitude, but it really only works on those who don't know him. He also has abandonment issues which tie in. Most of the time Amadeus acts like a dork. He likes to get into mischief, have fun and generally be a dweeb. He claims that life is better when you don't take everything so seriously. Despite his general attitude of trying to be happy-go-lucky, he often fails and gets a little depressed. Overall he tries to remain happy and optimistic. While Amadeus might not be book smart, he is pretty intelligent. Often times he only has to see or hear something once to remember it. He loves learning in a hands on setting, but never out of books or via lecture. It's too boring in his opinion. [color=8C281B][u]Backstory:[/u][/color] Amadeus was born Ian Sarabhai. His mother, Alisha, was Gujarati decent, or from India. Because of his mother he does speak some Gujarati, but not very well. He was never inclined to learn. His father, Frank, was an American and meet his mother in New York. The two married and had Ian. They also had his younger sister, Tanvi. The two got along quite well. They were often each other's only friends since their parents moved around the world often because of their father's job. He dad worked for a conglomerate as an auditor who checked the subsidiaries. As Ian grew older he began to resent the lifestyle his parents inflicted upon him. He was often more unhappy than happy. He had few friends. Those that he had often lived in other parts of the world. Because of the turn around on friendships he finds it hard to actually want to make friends. For as soon as he finds himself caring about them, Ian's family ups and moves again. When the mark appeared his parents flipped out. They immediately tired everything they knew to get rid of it. However, his health became to steeply decline after a day. Afraid that he might die, they took him to the nearest House of Night. However, due to their religious beliefs they left him there without a word. For he was, for all intents and purposes, truly dead to them. At the start of the IC, it will be his fifth day at the HoN. [color=8C281B][u]Extra:[/u][/color][hr][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2pt4dybIy1rnmhpu.gif[/img][color=dodgerblue][h1][u]Vampyre Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=8C281B][u]Mentor:[/u][/color] To be determined IC [color=8C281B][u]Timetable:[/u][/color][hider][center][color=A9ADAE][u][b]Amadeus, 1st Year Student[/b][/u] [b][u]1st Period: 9:00 - 9:45[/u][/b] Vampyre Sociology: Prof. Flynn - Room 10 ~ [b][u]2nd Period: 9:50 - 10:35[/u][/b] Art & Design: Prof. Athene - Room 45 ~ [b][u]BREAK: 10:35 - 10:50[/u][/b] ~ [b][u]3rd Period: 10:50 - 11:35[/u][/b] Lit. & Creative Writing: Prof. Adler - Room 5 ~ [b][u]4th Period: 11:40 - 12:25[/u][/b] Fencing: Prof. Tanner - Outdoor Arena ~ [b][u]LUNCH: 12:25 - 01:30[/u][/b] ~ [b][u]5th Period: 01:30 - 02:15;[/u][/b] Swedish: Prof. Rosen - Room 25 ~ [b][u]6th Period: 02:20 - 03:05[/u][/b] Runes and Myths: Prof. Clio - Room 101 ~ [b][u]7th Period: 03:10 - 03:55[/u][/b] Tae Kwon Do: Prof. Napoles - Gymnasium[/color][/center][/hider] [color=8C281B][u]Affinity:[/u][/color] To be determined IC [color=8C281B][u]Familiar:[/u][/color] Ghost, 6, [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_cat]Bengal (Breed)[/url] [img]http://www.koppiekatz.com/images/rio_IMG_6826_web.JPG[/img] [hr][hr][center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4i7g6w6YY1rph94p.gif[/img][/center][/hider]