[u][center][h1][colour=Crimson]Some Characters[/colour][/h1][/center][/u] [center][hider=Saeko Lumnium Beriya] [h1][center][colour=Orchid]Saeko Lumnium Beriya[/colour][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/70733960/large.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Saeko Lumnium Beriya [b]Epithet(s):[/b] Mirror Image, Mirage, Fae, Lumnium [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]School Year:[/b] Second? [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] Saeko is half Russian, half Japanese - though she has been living in Russia for as long as she can remember. [b]Personality:[/b] Saeko is... A mixture of different personalities, with not all of the, being [i]good[/i] per say. One part, and the largest of them all, is a mild Tsundere closet pervert. Not to mention she has a bit of a God or Superiority Complex when it comes to pretty much anyone. If you want a relationship with her, you're gonna be put through your paces. She has a bit of a habit of just saying things - and I mean, anything. She is completely and utterly oblivious to conversation atmosphere, and will happily say the most offensive of things without a second thought. Thirdly, she is an underlying psychopath who secretly enjoys hurting and killing people. She considers assassination as an art form much greater than that of painting or poetry - the pinnacle of beauty through seen action. And, finally - whilst sort of in private - she elicits a bit of Chuunibyou behaviour. She is seemingly fascinated with runes and runic spell casting, which coupled with her ability is an odd combination. [b]Bio:[/b] Saeko was born half Russian and half Japanese; into a family of less well known, but well respected Assassins. From as young as she can remember, she was trained in armed and unarmed combat, as well as being taught how to wield several different types of firearms like a professional. Somehow, she had a natural knack for doing such things, and her family had high hopes. At the age of 13, she was enrolled into a secret underground training camp for young assassins. Of course, as a female, she was regarded as inferior by the males - who made up the majority of trainees. On the second day, she killed a kid who called her weak and challenged her to a fight. The people who ran the the school quickly placed her at the top of the class and trained specially as opposed to the others. At 14, she was set on her first contract - kill some that had been causing trouble for the school. It would have been simple, if the guy wasn't a trained soldier who could snap Saeko's neck in 17 different places - all at the same time. However, they set Saeko to do the task anyway; not because they believed that she could kill him, but because they wanted to get rid of someone who posed a threat to the school itself. She returned 5 hours later with a scratch on her cheek - the guys ears, eyes and teeth all placed in a jar to be verified. During the battle, Saeko learned that she had a secret talent… One that set her apart from every other assassin. She could manipulate light in certain ways to create optical illusions based on herself and the areas around her. Over a year, she completed several dozen contracts before the academy contacted her. At age 15 she would be placed in the second year, and train to become a professional contract killer. [b]Weapon:[/b] Saeko carries around two identical butterfly knives, with ornately carved waterproof wooden handles. The blade inside each is polished regularly with a dull bronze colouring similar to the wood used. As well, she carries a [url=http://cdn0.wideopenspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/gun09sprgn.jpg]Springfield XDM Compact[/url] with an extended magazine - for those pesky targets that ignore her illusions and stay at a distance. [b]Equipment:[/b] Aside from her knives and gun, Saeko carries around very little. What she does have, though, is a whetstone to sharpen her blades, several extra clips of ammo as well as some loose bullets, two fingerless gloves lined with metal wiring and bottle of odd vile of colourless liquid. [b]Skills:[/b] Saeko was - from a young age - trained to handle guns and bladed weapons. She is extremely proficient in wielding bladed weapons - as well as unarmed combat -, whilst also being deadly accurate when wielding a firearm of pretty much any type. Besides that, she is close to being an expert and silently poisoning people, as well as adept at seduction and voice imitation. [b]Talents:[/b] Saeko's ability, if you will, is the distortion of perceptible light to make her self look like someone or something else. It affects anyone who can see her, and anyone who looks upon her during the distortion will be affected as well. There are two limitations to the ability - the first is that Saeko must be able to picture herself as that person or object. The second is that the ability is only an illusion, so under the light distortion Saeko is still there in the physical world. [b]Other:[/b] TBA [/hider] [hider=Adam Solis] [center][colour=Crimson][h1]Adam Solis[/h1][/colour][/center] [center][img]http://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/1419/1419628-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Adam Solis [b]Epithet(s):[/b] Student Body/Council President, The Eye [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]School Year:[/b] Third [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] England, Plymouth [b]Personality:[/b] Adam is what you would call a perfect student. He gets full marks on every test, is always on time for lessons, seemingly always follows the rules and is an expert assassin. Being the son of a world famous assassin gives him a sort of idea that he is better than everyone, but he never underestimates a person no matter how weak they are. Due to his upbringing, he has learned that money is only a single kill away - but he has also learned that everything is precious and must be held dearly, lest it be ripped away. He is a natural leader, and is pretty much liked by everyone. Not much more is known about his personality, other than the fact that he is absolutely ruthless in dealing out punishments, and is an extremely talented killer with a cocky, yet unsettling tone. [b]Bio:[/b] (Note: There is virtually no one left who actually knows about Adam’s background) Adam was born as the son to a world famous and extremely talented assassin known only as Gate. From a young age - since the moment he could pretty much do anything - he was trained in the ins and outs of assassination and combat. He had maths, science, English, several languages and many, many other subjects drilled into him by a very strict tutor, and loved every day of his life learning one way or another. When he was 7, his father made the decision to let him fend for himself - as he too had done. Adam was dropped off in the middle of nowhere with nothing but some clothes, £100, a pistol and a knife. However, in his bag of items, there was a letter, addressed to him, detailing his first contract. His five years of training came into play as he was sent to kill a pub owner who had been threatening a drug trade. It went flawlessly, with no witnesses and a pub full of dead bodies. He received a sum of money, and his ventures continued from there. Everything after that is pretty much shrouded in mystery. From that point, it is known that he has travelled all across the world, killed hundreds of people, mastered many techniques and perfected several of his own. He is thought to be a millionaire, with a bank balance rivalling some famous businessmen. No one is sure why he came to the academy, but everyone knows his name - and that he essentially enforces the rules. If there are people fighting with an intent to kill, you can guarantee he will be there to intervene so the teachers don't have to. [b]Weapon:[/b] A katana, forged of a beautiful white-gold metal alloy. It's scabbard - made of an extremely expensive dark wood - is ornately carved and decorated with patterns that resemble both blood and lightning. The blade itself has inscriptions across it in several different languages; most notably Elder Futhark and some unsettling archaic script. He also has a white-gold Desert Eagle, covered in aesthetic flower patterns. The area around the trigger has been drafted into a single knuckleduster of the same material, and inside the gun is a spring-lock knife blade stretching to about 6". [b]Equipment:[/b] Adam doesn't often carry much, besides his weapons and school supplies. Though he has several knives and pistols concealed around his body, as well as a custom pure gold 1000000 poker chip, a glass D20 and a bag of oddly fragrant dust of unknown properties. [b]Skills:[/b] Assassins instinct - Adam grew up around assassins and was trained by them, and now he thinks like them. If he meets a person, you can guarantee that within seconds of meeting he has at least 10 different plans to kill them. Firearms expert - He can fire almost any type of gun with deadly precision, and can reload one in a blink of the eye. Though, it isn't just limited to his gun, no; he Adam can identify a guns model, amount of ammo and its specific details by looking at it. Close quarters combat - He is an expert at close combat using knives, swords, fists - pretty much any bladed weapon. Agility - He may not look it at 6ft 4", but Adam is extremely fast and precise. He can dodge punches like its nothing, and is downright scary if you see him running. Strength - Another key attribute of his is that he is pretty bloody strong. His body looks thin and a bit weak, but inside it is damn tough and can hand out a serious beating. Stealth - You are unlikely to see Adam coming if he is sneaking up on you. If you do, you better thank the Gods, because there aren't many people that can without already being dead. More skills unrelated to assassination - Extremely intelligent, a natural leader, excellent decision maker, great cook, plays the guitar, drums, piano and ocarina, knows several different languages fluently including Futhark and English, and can recite the periodic table perfectly. Anything else? [b]Talents:[/b] Nobody really knows if Adam has talent, but he has been able to dodge and even shoot bullets out of the air. He has also been impaled several time without reaction and had his crotch hit with a sledgehammer - all times he didn't even flinch. [b]Other:[/b] (Anything the above didn't already cover.)[/hider][/center]