Andross danced across the ground, beads of sweat forming as he danced. The haunting sound of flutes echoed through the air as he gracefully hit his next step, twisting his body back, muscles rippling and fabric flowing. As the music grew louder and faster, Andross' movements grew more erratic and jerky, until he jolted to a stop. His sides heaving, he watched as the crowd clapped, some of them dropping gold coins into his collection bin. Andross just gave them all a gentle smile, thanking each person with a small bow and a charismatic smile spreading across his face. Today was the return of the Exalt and soldiers. This meant there was a surplus of people.. and where there were people.. there was a place to perform. As the crowd dissipated, Andross dumped out half the coins and paid the local musician who had played during his performance. He didn't necessarily need music to dance, but it did make things a lot easier. From here, the two parted ways as people started to gather to watch the soldiers and Exalt move past them. Except.. all he saw was the soldiers. Perhaps it was because of the angle he was looking on with... or perhaps it was because there were so many people standing in front of him. He attempted to catch a better Andross glided across the ground, moving a few steps to the left to try and get a better look. He sighed as there was still no sign of the Exalt. Perhaps she had gone elsewhere. His focus was drawn away from the soldiers and onto a woman who was standing nearby, holding a boy over her shoulders. He watched.. as the boy's mother returned for him.. her tone slightly harsh as she told the woman she should join the Shepherds. Apparently.. they were going to reform the Shepherds. Well.. that was certainly the best news Andross had heard in many years. The Church needed to be stopped. [i]"War humm.... Perhaps it would be better to die a hero on the battlefield, than a hopeless wanderer alongside some nameless road..."[/i] her voice echoed as she stared vaguely off into the distance. Andross moved towards the mage, his steps light, silent, and graceful. [b]"Excuse me miss?"[/b] He stated in a voice as smooth as chocolate with the hint of some kind of foreign accent ingrained within the words. He gave her a low and polite bow of greeting before straightening up slightly. [b]"I apologize for overhearing your conversation. And i apologize for being so straight forward.. but if you are planning to travel to that stronghold.. would you mind horribly if i joined you?[/b] A charismatic smile stretched across his face. [b]"I am not much of a fighter.. but in times of war.. i will do what i can to protect the peace of this land."[/b] ________ Mars was exhausted. She'd been up for almost two days straight now, running from a set of Manakete hunting bandits. She'd managed to lose them in a forest a couple of miles back, but she still didn't trust sleeping out in the open. She needed a place to rest.. just for a moment. She fumbled with her Dragonstone, which was a tiny blue stone mounted on a chain around her neck. The Dragonstone hummed with life, sending a slight surge of energy through her body. She could make it.. she had to make it.. she had to keep moving. She let out a small cry as she saw a dilapidated building. it looked as if it had been abandoned for years, and was enveloped in vines. Mars felt a surge of elation spreading through her body. If this was an abandoned building.. that meant it was the perfect place to hide and get her much needed sleep. She fumbled her way over to the building, her legs feeling heavy as she squeezed past the vines and entered the building. it was in bad shape, with bricks crumbling on the walls and ceiling, and dust covering every surface. From the looks of it.. this place had once been some kind of barracks for a small military force. Which meant.. they had beds. Joy filled Mars with elation and she scampered up the rapidly deterorating steps to the second floor. She let out a happy cry as she saw a bed and immediately collapsed into it face first, allowing her exhaustion to take her into a blissful sleep.