[@ScienMalefica][@Demonic Angel][@Framing A Moose] Wait....did that guy just say this pirate was...a girl? Evelyn was quite intrigued now, an interesting smirk forming across her lips, but such a smirk became a brief scowl as another girl had entered the scene, her and her two servants...cute servants Evelyn might add. Quietly, she listened in on the conversation between them, mostly schmaltzy flirting and whatnot, before chiming in and interrupting, [color=ed1c24]"Hmph! New Sea Witch? More like nuisance. You're about as pompous as your fat mother."[/color] Oh she knew, or at least knew now who this girl was, and frankly, given the bad blood between Ursula and Maleficent, even the feud ran between the children. [color=ed1c24]"At least my mother ain't some gasbag with tentacles."[/color] And Evelyn...well...she was just stirring the pot because she was bored, and after Axel...whatsherface challenging her, she was itching for another fight. She then turned to the red-haired boy, [color=ed1c24]"Trouble? Why no, little [i]miss[/i] Axel wasn't causing me any. In fact, I'm delighted to have her acquaintance."[/color]