[hider=My Hider] Name: Octavia " Birdy" Fairchild Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0f/11/83/0f11832af6e58256cfab3e834026f284.jpg[/img] Octavia stands at 5'3" and is 110 lbs. She is rather thin and has a small frame, making her physique nothing extraordinary. The most eye-catching quality she processes is probably her fiery red hair and bright blue eyes. Personality: Octavia is a rather introverted girl and tends to keep to herself when amongst her peers. That isn't to say that she doesn't interact with her classmates, though. She does, in fact interact with them; it's just she doesn't put in much more effort to make friends outside of simple interaction. It's also because of her introvertedness that causes her to be quite innocent, in a sense, and oblivious when it comes to relationships, romantic or otherwise. Aside from her introverted nature, she is quite lazy and tends to sleep quite a bit during class (perhaps a little too often). Which has gotten her into a bit of trouble with teachers in the past. Overall, though, she is a very sweet individual and make tries to be kind and patient with everybody. Likes: Drawing Sleeping Listening to music Video games Dislikes: Loud noises The dark Blood Spiders Sexuality: hetero bio: In elementary, Octavia was known for being quite an oddball due to some mental disorders. When she finally got that under control, unfortunately, it was too late. All of the other children had their own groups of friends and their own first impressions of her, leaving her by herself. She was never invited to birthday parties or sleep overs. But she never found herself being lonely. She would always come home to a loving family and never made finding friends a real priority. Skipping to highschool years, and it is Octavia's junior year. She has only a few friends and isn't all that social with anybody. She is keeping up with her assignments and passing her classes. Education wise, she has nothing to really worry about. She even knows what college she wants to attend. Her family, however, is worried about her lack in a social life. Therefore, they have challenged her to try and make some more friends (something she hasn't really gotten around to doing). Extra: Anything to note [/hider] [hider=Relationships] [center][h1]Octavia "Birdy" Fairchild[/h1][/center] [color=0072bc][b]Melanie Timere[/b][/color] Relationship: ([color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"I've heard of some pretty nasty things about her, like she's an ice queen and such. But I have to think that there's more behind that cold exterior."[/i] [color=3CB371][b]Genevieve Young[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Can't say that I know much about her other than the fact that I pass by her sometimes in the halls. I hear she's totes adorable, and honestly, I don't really doubt it with that cutesy appearance of hers."[/i] [color=87CEEB][b] Beryl Cantrell[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Wait Beryl is actually a dude?! I thought he was a chick! Huh.... Well this is awkward. He's always seemed rather dainty, feminine, and small for a guy and since I didn't want to seem rude; I didn't really talk to him outside of being required to."[/i] [color=800080][b]Darian Green[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"She seems like a delinquent and doesn't like anybody. That's all I care to know about here."[/i] [color=00FFFF][b]Alex Hill[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"I honestly don't know what to think about this guy. We keep to ourselves and don't talk to each other and that's about it."[/i] [color=DEB887][b]Matthew Stephens[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Nerd. (Not that, that's a bad thing.) Nah just joshing ya! I would totally play Smash with this guy if I wasn't so bad at it."[/i] [color=9e0b0f][b]Mackien Ackererson[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"Who hasn't heard about this guy? He's been constantly labeled as a playboy. Do I believe it?.... Yeah a little. But he's way out of my league so I haven't really tried talking to him. (He's kinda handsome, I guess...)"[/i] [color=BA55D3][b]Ami Ackerson[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"I honestly don't know all that much about her. She seems like the cute little sister type but I've heard that she can be quite the little perv."[/i] [color=ed145b][b]Lena Williams[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"She's so cooool! ... Ahem... Excuse me. Lena seem so confident and strong. I honestly envy that about her."[/i] [color=fff200][b]Antonnia "Toni" Smith[/b][/color] Relationship: [color=fff79a]Acquaintance[/color] [i]"I REALLY don't understand this chick. She wears way too much make up just to impress guys? Why? Make up doesn't change who you are. And why would you want to impress anybody? What is there to prove? Why can't you just except who you are?"[/i] [/hider]