[@ianzerep] Frida watched as another Eevee-- Well. Eevee looking being sauntered onto the scene. That definitely didn't answer the panicking girl's question; if anything, she was becoming more confused over everyone. They weren't human, but they sure weren't Pokemon either. It was a little horrifying, to say the least. She almost screamed when she felt someone hug her. She looked over at him and blinked once or twice. Out of the group awake so far, he definitely seemed like the happiest of the bunch. [color=00aeef]"I'm, um, a little less sad and a little more... Confused?"[/color] she asked, in response to the Poke-- Per-- What the heck ever he was. She thought about his question for a minute, [color=00aeef]"Frida sounds right? But I'm not supposed to be... [i]this.[/i]"[/color] She stepped away from Mellio and motioned to herself. The ex-Froakie seemed more than a little confused. She breathed in, deciding to see if she could calm down a bit. Nodding slightly, she replied, [color=00aeef]"Uh, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Mellio!"[/color]