[h3]The Ripper[/h3] Maybe some of the others had seen her already, as she stood on the outskirts of the group, the tattered black cloak she had wrapped herself with rustling ever so slightly. Maybe they'd look straight at her, but then something else caught their attention and they forgot she was there. As long as she didn't try to stand out... These people were strange, and the bizarre things they spoke of made her question the hasty decision she'd made to join them. She wasn't even sure what it all meant, really. It was so confusing... But somehow she felt that she had to do it. Mother would've wanted her to do it. Maybe Mother was here, even... She couldn't remember what she looked like, but surely she had to be here. After all, who else would call for her like that? But could she really be one of these people? She immediately dismissed the men... Well, she gave them a cursory glance at least. The gruff man with the oversized sword, the boy with the toy aeroplane, the two who... What was this "Kamen Rider" thing they spoke of? It made her head hurt to think about it, so she turned to the women. Mother had to be with them, after all. Somewhere... ...But her attempts to find Mother were stopped dead once her eyes turned to... She was clad in immaculate armour, her blonde hair tied up in a braid at the back... And she was like her. A Heroic Spirit. A Servant. She could sense it, but this didn't seem like a Grail War... Was she an enemy? She wasn't Mother at least. At least with her Presence Concealment, the other Servant wouldn't be able to immediately tell that she was also a Servant. Still, if she kept completely hidden she'd never find Mother, so after some hesitation, she slowly made her way towards the knightly Servant, and in a quiet, ethereal voice she muttered... [i]"We... Our name is... They called us "Jack"."[/i]