[h2]Saber, King Arthur Herself[/h2] "Ah?" Saber heard a small voice nearby her, and was immediately pulled from her thoughts. She turned towards the source of the voice, and... Realized that it had come from what appeared to be a pale, white-haired child, wrapped in a tattered black cloak. She frowned. While she herself appeared to be only around sixteen, and both of her Masters during the last Grail War were not much older, this girl appeared to be no more then twelve... Saber hesitated, then reached out towards the girl. She was likely frightened, insofar as Saber could guess, at being dragged into a place like this without any warning. "... You must be frightened..." she began, before taking a deep breath. She was not exactly the most well-versed in comforting children... and yet, at the same time, Saber could not simply stand by and leave her be without attempting to do anything. It simply wasn't right. It wasn't the action of a knight. "Do not worry, I won't let a child go unprotected." [hr] [h2]Goldibanne, Face of Innocence(?)[/h2] "Fufufu, everyone's so tight-lipped~" Goldibanne said loudly, putting on a mock frown after she finished giggling. Really now, what was the point of avoiding making your entire introduction? Dawdling was just silly, everyone should tell some things about themselves! Like what the abilities they all blatantly had were! Those two guys seemed like they had a good idea, didn't they? They made a full introduction! Even if she had never actually watched that whole 'Kamen Rider' thing... Pirouetting to face them, she cheerfully headed over and stopped directly beside both of them, gesturing to them. "They went ahead and told everyone what they do, so why doesn't everyone share~? I will too, if you want~" she said, giving a sweet smile as she cocked her head to one side, "You'll all get to know Goldibanne's secrets~" The living doll giggled to herself, her smile spreading into a grin. "Aren't you curious?" [hr] [h2]Tachibana Hibiki, Holding Determination in Her Fist[/h2] Hibiki couldn't help but feel a little disheartened. No-one nearby had really responded... beyond the one boy, who asked what age everyone was. Admittedly Hibiki wasn't really sure why that was so important, but... well it was a common thing to introduce yourself with, wasn't it? Maybe that was why. Really, though, the blonde-haired girl wanted to get to know everyone here better. From the huge, gruff swordsman, to the short pink-haired girl. While she couldn't see the girl calling for everyone to introduce themselves more from where she was standing, at the same time she felt that was the right course of action. "Er... I'm sixteen..." she said, in response to the boy who had asked. Maybe if she shared more about herself, she'd get other people to talk too? Hibiki nodded firmly. "... And my birthday is September Seventeeth!" Hibiki continued, "One of my favorite things is my roommate's cooking, and my hobby is helping people!"