It all happened so fast one moment she was awaiting the enemy to advance into firing range then next the moment she heard someone cry into the comm's that it's trap followed seconds later by the sound of a deafening explosion and a blinding flash of light. Then chaos that followed as the ground shook and rubble started to fall, Katya fighting with her controls to keep her mech up right and minimize damage to the mech. But no matter what she did couldn't stop the rubble form pounding her mechs armor. Each thud sending a shiver up the young woman spine. In the middle of the chaos Katya watched as Dynasty get buried by rubble, but Katya was so busy trying to keep herself form being buried she couldn't do anything but watch in dismay. Once everything settled down Katya scanned her screens Caretakers systems had taken minimal damage, but its top armor was dented to buggery. Inside the cockpit she heard several quick clicks as the control node checked the drones each one responding one after the other. Hearing the clicks Katya felt and pang of relief knowing she still had the ability to repair the others. Hearing her comm unit alert her to a message. Katya looked at it and nodded not even bothering to see who it was form. It told her to help the others so that what she would do. Her first thought was to help Lora who was now buried under rubble. Moving her mech to where Dynasty was buried she started to move bits of rubble in an effort to get to the buried mech. Caretaker wasn't the strongest mech on the field but Katya would try her hardest to help Dynasty and its pilot for as long time permitted her. Now having access to the full map Elora uploaded she had a fair idea of enemies position. Katya only worry is if the shelled the area again, Caretaker would most likely be crippled or destroyed without the cover of the pillars but the idea of leaving someone buried under rubble was something she simply could not do without making some effort to free them. Logically thought she knew if she couldn't free enough of the mech to allow it break free quickly, she'd have to fall back. She knew if she died or was disabled she be unable to help the others of her team. But if there was a chance the mech a pilot where still okay to fight she had to help them. Right now they needed every scrap of man power they had and if not she had to see if the pilot was okay at least. Truth be told her mind simply wanted a justification for what might some considered a selfish and stupid act. Her biggest fear though was that enemy would shell the area again and without the cover of the pillars she knew Caretaker would most likely at the very least be crippled if one of those shell detonated near her. But more importantly the idea of them shelling the area again carried the potential of killing her. That idea alone scared Katya as the young woman had never stared death in face like this outside of training simulations and while that was scary deep down she knew she was safe. But now there was no assurances she would survive and the reality of that was hitting her hard. She used the task of freeing her teammate to keep her mind focused on piloting the mech. Doing her best to ignore the unpleasant feeling that had formed in her gut. Forcing herself keep going and the mech along with her even if it had started to feel like it the mech was lagging like it didn't want to respond to her commands. [color=Fuchsia]"I'm not afraid."[/color] she started saying to herself over and over but no matter how much she forced herself to focus she could still feel the unpleasant feeling in her gut, the fear of the death. Something she had to learn to deal with while fighting or it would consume her. Realizing she needed to check if Lora was okay Katya opened a private channel to Dynasty. [color=Fuchsia]"Are you okay? I'm trying to free you. Please hold on... please be okay.[/color]