[color=f7976a][h2][b]James[/b][/h2[/color] As he trod over to his mate, his form shifted back into a wolf. [color=f7976a]"Lets hope.."[/color] James commented, trailing off as he went. Perhaps it was all some sort of misunderstanding. Perhaps the humans would just stay away this time. Padding across the snow he came to rest beside Ambrosia. The she wolf seemed so confident in her every move. She had such an air about her, he found himself hopelessly admiring her strength. Really he'd never felt like a leader as much as he did when he was around her. Not since Maurice died, but that was in the past. He lay next to Ambra now, the pup too and listened to her sing. He could pick out the reassurance in the words, a lullaby to remind the child that she was safe.