Pyro standing off against uneven odds just looked so awesome. A fire user, if the sparks that flew out of his mouth said anything about him, versus 4 disgustingly gross enemies. It kinda was like a video game encounter to the green haired boy. He didn't really listen to what the others were saying, so enthralled in the showdown he was. As a few of the other gijinkas started to flee, Mellio chose to stand his ground along side Pyro, his new role model in this unknown land. A natural instinct to hold out his arms in the dangerous situation arose within him, and he did so. As he did so, he felt a sort of slimy liquid start to flow onto his skin. From where, the boy didn't know, but he instinctively knew that the slime would protect him, and lower the power of any attack that was launched at him The poison type move: Acid Armor.