[center][h1]Astral Plane- The World Where Paths Cross[/h1][/center] [h2]Satori Komeiji- The Girl Even Vengeful Spirits Fear[/h2] Satori stood by silently, watching the mess in front of her unfold before sighing, massaging her forehead with her right hand. These humans... Well, 'eccentric' would probably be a nice way of putting it. From the hyperactive and seemingly-airheaded brown-haired girl to that man cloaked in brown, everyone in here seemed... Well, crazy enough. The introductions went by, one by one, and the youkai girl sat there, scrutinizing each person that decided to pop in. The brown-haired girl from earlier, just from her speech alone, was off-putting to Satori. What meaning did such superfluous details have on the situation at hand? The pair of detectives: a comedy duo, but with a modicum of common sense. The child with a toy buzzing around his head: simply talking himself up. And so Satori went, mentally making snide remarks as each person came up to speak their own. And so, when it came to her... Well, she stopped. There was a reason that nobody went near her back home, save for the truly strange and out-of-place. But... It seemed necessary for her here to lay her cards out on the table. "Ahem... My name is Satori Komeiji. As my name suggests, I am a youkai with the ability to read minds. I'm in your care." With a slight curtsy towards those watching, the girl turned to the boy with the toy over his head once more. He didn't [i]seem[/i] like the type to understand the implications of her statement, so it seemed the task would fall to her to explaining for him (and anyone else who didn't know). "In other words, you humans would dub me a 'monster,' though I dislike the moniker as much as any other would. I would also like to mention that appearances have no bearing upon age; an old fool is no smarter than a young one, after all." [h2]Lydia- The Recordkeeper[/h2] As the introductions and chatter died down, the being known as 'Lydia' re-emerged from the light into which she had disappeared into mere minutes ago. The sound of the gears in the background had stopped altogether, instead replaced by the sound of flowing water. [i]"My apologies for the wait; opening a gate to these requires some manipulation over what little control I have left over the Record. Please, do make sure to be careful in these worlds; all I know is that some distortions exist, but not of their nature."[/i] Behind the woman, from the walls of the cathedral, appear three doorways, each leading into a spiraling vortex. The leftmost one seemed to be leaking a grey fog, covering the ground nearby with it. From the center, a similar, but more sinister blackish-blue fog seemed to spread out. The rightmost one, however, seemed to be the most ominous: faint screaming and moaning could easily be heard past the gateway. [i]"Er... I apologize for starting on such a sinister note, but these worlds seemed to be the quickest anomalies to fix in order to regain access to higher functions of the Akashic Record.[/i] [h2]Satori, once more.[/h2] The youkai watched as the person that had summoned everyone here made her grand reappearance, only to lay out three very thoroughly strange paths for everyone to take. "Mist... I recall reading about such an incident a while back. I believe I'll deal with the one on the left, if you'll pardon my hastiness." With that, Satori stepped forward, walking ahead without looking back. This was not for her sake, but she had Koishi and her pets to think about, so it would be unthinkable for her to not move ahead. For their safety, she was willing to go as far as she had to. [i][u]"Maybe... Maybe one day, I can finally get Koishi to come back home. Maybe this wish could help me achieve that..."[/u][/i] [hider=Worlds!] Okay, with introductions out of the way, it's time to give a rundown of each world! You, as an RPer, will know what world you'll be walking into. The characters, however, will not. Each world will vary in terms of problem, and the solutions are only limited by how creative [i]YOU[/i] guys are. I WILL, however, give a gist about what you should expect with each world. I don't want people overloading any given world, though, so first come, first serve. IC posts are what'll call it, not OoC posts; your characters will jump straight into the scene set below. Have fun! Note: The portals are both invisible and inaccessible to anyone native to the world the PCs jump into. [hider=Left Gate: Kekkai Sensen] Overview: Something's weird in Hellsalem's Lot, and it's not the usual 'weird' this time around. It's up to the player characters to find out what's so odd, though. This world will be a bit more leisurely in terms of pacing and action; there's going to be a bit more downtime in this world focused around developing the characters and their relationships to one another. [hider=Where you end up!][center][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db4DkMnq85M]Hellsalem's Lot- The New York Between Two Worlds[/url][/h1][img]https://markphilpot.com/images/anime/2015/spring/kekkai_sensen/city.jpg[/img] [/center] The portal's exit is, conveniently enough, on solid ground. It seems to have opened in the middle of a park of some sort, with a giant [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/Central_Fountain_Wash_Square_Park_by_David_Shankbone.jpg]fountain[/url] standing in the center of the square and a large [url=https://beatlesgirl89.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/washington-square-arch.jpg]stone arch[/url] close by. The time of day seems to be early in the morning, judging from the glow of the sun beyond the horizon past the immense shield of fog that seems to engulf the sky, and so nobody but a few weirdos seem to be awake. Some are distinctly human, while others... Well, not so much. Well, what now? It won't be long before people start showing up and going about their lives, after all. The buildings outside the city seem... Moderately advanced, with a few steel-and-glass skyscrapers from the distance. In short, it's basically New York City at the crack of dawn. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Center Gate: Blazblue] Overview: What a mess; the entire city of Kagutsuchi's in chaos because of Ragna the Bloodedge coming in to destroy the last Cauldron. Except, well... There seems to be a lot more problems than that cauldron. There's a more sinister plot at work, and it seems to be clouding the minds of the fighters that have gathered here, each for their own reasons. Find that, and put a stop to it! This world's gonna be brawls, brawls, and more brawls! I'm fairly certain that most of the characters are able to go toe to toe with their adversaries here without being too overpowering, so I'm not worrying too much. Note: The root of the incident isn't gonna affect any of the player characters. [hider=Where you end up!][center][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZU_PG9whYE]13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi- The City Above the Clouds[/url][/h1][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/blazblue/images/3/3f/Kagutsuchi_Port_AM_10.30_(Stage).jpg/revision/20110408225048[/img][/center] The portal opens up within a thin alleyway, the type that often goes by without inspection; it's large enough to to allow two people to move side-by-side at once, but not much else. The most noticeable thing about the world after entry is that the ominous fog from the doorway seems to be... Well, almost nonexistent. Here, it's nothing but a very thin layer hovering right above the ground, just faint enough to slightly tint it a slightly darker shade of grey and brown. The place just screams 'steampunk,' and the weird mix of technology left and right only serves to further that image as the alleyway is left behind. The day seems to be well underway, but the sounds of combat can be heard from all across the city. Something's already amiss, it seems... [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Right Gate: Resident Evil] Overview: This world's been plagued by bioterrorism, and the forces fighting back against it seem to be losing. The viruses seem to infect more and more each day, and the defensive line is only pushed back further and further each day. End it. This world, contrary to what you'd expect, is going to be a GIANT game of cat-and-mouse. Zombies and upgraded zombies are mooks. And oh BOY, are there a lot of them. if you're in this world, get ready for a bunch of rescue missions and a bit of detective work as your characters work to uncover the culprit behind the mess this time. Note: Your characters CANNOT be infected here. Like, seriously. [hider=Where you end up!] [center][h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNxfJFPZmQI]Unknown City, Somewhere in the U.S.: Where Chaos and Paranoia Reign Supreme[/url][/h1][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/residentevil/images/c/c8/RE6_CityAreaCityStr_room.png/revision/latest?cb=20151222001156[/img][/center] The portal drops you right in the middle of a suburban street, lit up with light like a fireworks display. Well, mainly because half the street is ON FIRE. Terrified screams in the background echo from all directions, indicating that something's gone terribly, TERRIBLY wrong here. The faint sounds of gunshots in the distance indicates the presence of some fighters holding whatever caused this mess back, but for now, there are probably a few more pressing matters at hand. Like the swarm of infected beginning to gather around the portal, for example. Well, to be honest, the survivors are probably in the worse spot here. The gunshots seems to be originating from the north; the option to deal with the infected (or not) is still up for debate. A few more gunshots ring out, this time from the west. Well... Looks like you've got some cleanup work to do. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]