[quote=@Eyeris] Heyooo. They are still very 'well rounded' characters. They had a lot of strengths and few to no weaknesses. For example, the fist one can throw daggers, AND heal themselves, AND telekinesis... The second can do magic such as throw fireballs, AND sword-fight with a huge sword and armor, AND summon a variety of minions. A party member should be part of a whole. Try to think of a more specific niche for each character. People and characters are imperfect, but, together they balance one another out, or create drama, which is what is fun to play. So even through you lessened the powers a bit, they are still a bit too vague and all encompassing. Try to narrow each character. The first one, make her a knife-thrower, OR a telecenitic, OR a healer. The second, make her a minion summoner (of one type of minion), OR a mage, OR a knight. OR not AND. Then you will be on the same level as everyone else I think. [/quote] The Overlord one was based on the games. She can swing a sword and is stronger than her minions but not by much and she's very slow. Not to mention she's supposed to be one of the bad guys. As for my Psionicist, throwing the knives are part of her Telekinesis. And she can only heal herself, not others, and only by meditating, which takes a long time. In combat, all she can do is use her Telekinesis to throw her knives, keep a "mental radar" open to see where everyone is and, if necessary, give herself a limited physical boost or turn her hands/arms into bladed weapons. The rest of her abilities are out of combat and some of them take a long time to use. She's mainly based around the Psionic powers of AD&D 2E.