The misnaming was Azure City, not Azure Watch, but yes, forgetting to call it Azure Strand had been a mistake. Nevertheless, Par nodded, saying first to the Aenshi: "I'd bargain for 40, but the ship awaits," spoke the 19-year old boy. "all right, 30 gold pieces it is," and Par then took the money, before saying to the captain: "Thank you, sir! There won't be any trouble abroad ship, sir!" Par fully intended on keeping that promise; he had no intention of flubbing up his prospects. And with that, he handed over his horse over to the fox-person, though not without taking off the survival kit, cargo, and crossbow, which the 18-year old boy carried by himself to the ship's deck, to the probable amusement of the rest of the merchants, who were now wondering what a nobody like him was doing on their vessel. ------ Now that 'Alexander Skye' had deposited his cargo, the 18-year old boy went back up to the deck, a little tired out, especially as he still carried his survival gear. He then waited for the Captain to finish talking with the Fairy. Yes, said Captain looked as though he can skewer him if he made any trouble. So, that precluded any ostentatious displays of, well, anything. Either way, once the Captain finished talking with Dain, whose name Par may or may not have heard while waiting, Par would then say: "Hello, Captain, my name is Alexander Skye, and I got admitted to the ship at the last minute, as you may very well have seen. I've been told that I'll have to share a cabin or set of cabins with the rest of the merchants? If so, what quarters or section would render me less of an inconvenience to the rest of the other traders?"