Reben was surprised by Par's forward nature. He was young, extremely so, and hot-headed, no wonder he was disliked by some in his guild. His overt opinions on a potential client would no doubt grate on many members of the largely amoral organization to no end. It was however refreshing for Reuben to deal with so straitfoward an organic, they also danced around in conversation to much for his liking. His right eye unintentionally red and leering he responded to the young man in his grating cybernetic voice, [color=ed1c24]"-That is correct Mr. Rapids, I am a representative of the Society of Steel's Steel Rangers. Per orders from my superiors, I am to assist you in the capacity of a Bodyguard, protecting you as an important asset in the fight against the Sphinx Domination. I am to protect you from threats within and without, and if necassary die in order to keep you safe.-"[/color], he mechanically saluted Par, his programming urging him that this was the appropriate time. As Ahnciel was mentioned Reuben looked down at the small organic, and then back at Par, [color=ed1c24]"-Strictly speaking, organic lifeform Ahnciel is under the custody of the Society of Steel for assaulting a Steel Ranger. In addition, he is an un-categorized and un-encountered organic species in need of study. Steel Ranger directive 39740.2 Sub-Article 43692: A secondary purpose of the Steel Ranger's is the gathering of new and relavent information. Ahnciel fulfills both of these criteria.-"[/color], before he could continue a small twitch of his head and his right eye blinking red stopped him for a few moments before he returned to regualr conditions, eye now a solid red, [color=ed1c24]"-I apologise Mr. Rapids, after expunging some information from Ahnciel's flight recorder I found the data was encrypted and has corrupted some of my internal processing. The problem is easily fixable and Ahnciel has assured me he can help. As soon as he tells me he is preppared we will rectify this problem.-"[/color]