Sayuri smiles tossing her money bag as she left a rather dejected looking merchant, "Sorry about that mister but try to under cut me and I bite back. At least you'll still make a decent profit on what I sold you!" closing the door she looks around to reorient herself. It was her first time in the capitol of Ylisse. Once getting her bearings again she starts to make her way back to the Inn to grab her horse as there were a handful of places she'd wanted to visit and she didn't have enough time In the day to do that without using her pack horse. About 20 minutes later she was on her way to the first spot she wanted to check out. A friend of hers had told her about a nice spot on a hill along the road between the capital and the shepards barracks. Pulling on the hood of her cloak making sure it covered her ears and kicked her horse to move a little faster. As she was exiting the capital a black crow dived down at her be for slowing and landing on her shoulder. Smiling she pets the crow with an armored hand, "Hey there Tsugi. Do you have something from Reito or are you just tired of him?" Tsugi nuzzled into her hand and cawed. Arriving at her destination she looks around and at the flower bed and nods, " Hmm... It is pretty but I was expecting it to be a lot nicer. Well whatever guess it's a nice place to stay For a little while. She climbed off her horse and sat in the field and admired the field. She sat there until she noticed a pair traveling towards where the shepards barracks were supposed to be. Moving down to stand by the road and stretches revealing a Grimleal pendant to the passing pair. The sword the girl was wearing caught her eye, [i]'Is that...[/i]