[h2]A Touch of Power[/h2] [i]Lazarus, Megelis[/i] [b]Day 3 Morning[/b] Tugging at the collar of his new suit Lazarus stepped into the gathering hall for the Wedding. It had come as a genuine surprise when five suits had shown up in his room from the Lady Akime. At first he’d been wary of the intentions before finally settling on it being a gesture of assistance. At first glance it had certainly seemed like she’d been making a comment on his capacity to dress himself. Then again he had been out of the world for a long time so it was probably for the best that she offer help. After pondering the selection he had finally settled on [img=http://picture.yatego.com/images/4b5848d7b76798.6/Designeranzug_Gehrock_bearbeitet-1-kqh/extravaganter-hochzeitsanzug---gehrock.jpg]the one[/img] that was in the middle. Hardly tame but at the same time it didn’t come off as ostentatious. The gathering of Knights was certainly a sight to behold. Although they largely gave him a wide berth both intentionally and unintentionally it was incredible to see the sheer variety in there dress. Military uniforms from every corner of Galendar. Styles that had gone out of fashion hundreds of years ago and styles that he had missed in the last century. Tugging at the collar second time Lazarus frowned. Akime probably wouldn’t be here since she was one of the bridesmaids. The reality was that he probably should have left with the first group of people who were doing set up but he’d been far too preoccupied with the offer of suits. A familiar face appeared out of the crowd. Megelis looked over his shoulder as he approached Lazarus. “Hey, you and I were supposed to leave with the first group weren’t we?” Lazarus shrugged at the Master of Blade. “I honestly haven’t a clue. I just assumed I’d show up here and that there would be time before the actual ceremony.” Nodding the Master of Blade scanned the crowd almost as though he was on edge. “Something bothering you?” Came the flat tone of Lazarus voice as he looked at Megelis who appeared to be searching for someone. Or avoiding them. “Uh. Yeah. Eve and Ralrisk are going to murder each other. And Ris is probably going to murder me to be frank. Eve forced herself on me since Ris is a Bridesmaid so her reasoning as that I didn’t have a plus one. So naturally she should be it.” Lazarus cocked a solitary eyebrow at Megelis. “Oh woah is you, the man who has so many women throwing themselves at him. Megelis gave the ex Master of Sight a dirty look. “Yeah well I guess you wouldn’t know too much about that would you.” It was a joke and Megelis was more distracted by looking to make sure Eve hadn’t caught up with him. Lazarus remained oddly silent as Megelis looked at him again. “Wait...No way. Christian always said you never were interested in that sort of thing beyond casual sex…” Megelis looked at Lazarus suit before he raised an eyebrow at the Avatar of Yishreenok. “Huh. Who is she?” Lazarus nodded towards a blonde making her way through the crowd. “You better sort out your own issues before you tackle mine”. Megelis rolled his eyes “Seriously these two chose me. And I don’t have the answer to what I want. I might not even be in love with either of them. I just don’t know or have the time. I’m the Master of Blade first and foremost.” Lazarus simply shook his head. “You’d do best to figure out what you are to those two. And soon.” Megelis turned and narrowed his eyes. “Wait. No way.” Cackling Megelis started walking towards Eve. “Tell Lady Akime I said hello for me.” Lazarus stiffened at the comment as the Master of Blade walked away.