[hider=Ray Villarreal][center] [img]http://s2.dmcdn.net/TUkcX/x240-voR.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ray Villarreal [b]Alias:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Ray stands just under six feet tall, his frame muscular and strong like that of a top athlete. His dark brown hair is buzzed short, his face is almost never cleanly shaven, he currently sports a goatee with accompanying stubble. He tends to wear clothing that doesn't make him stick out. Black boots, dark blue jeans, a grey t shirt and a leather jacket one of his more common styles. [b]Abilities:[/b] Ray's only superpower is teleportation. He is only in the most basic stages with the power, able to teleport himself across a room or a few blocks away with relative ease. He is unable to do anything more than that at the current strength of his powers. The act of teleportation is near instantaneous, once he has the location in mind he is able to teleport to it. He is able to teleport through walls, though the thickness of the walls can cause him trouble. A flimsy wooden wall is easy, a military grade steel one is a different story. If he has his hands around someone, then he is able to teleport them with him, it also applies to objects but only those he can hold in his arms or are on his person. He is still inexperienced with the power and has only teleported from and to floored areas. Teleporting onto a plane, a moving car or into the air itself is not something he has tried and might not end well. He also retains his speed when teleporting, for example if he teleports out of a car then he still moves as quickly as the car is. It allows him to pack a huge punch but must be careful to avoid inadvertent self harm. Stress or pain causes problems with the power, as does tiredness or sickness, if he is affected by any of these then his teleportation tends to not be perfect, he could intend to teleport one place and instead go a different one accidentally, or not even move. Using the power too much in a short span causes him headaches, the more usage the more painful they are to him. In extreme cases where he overuses the power this can lead to his death. [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*] His body is in top shape from consistent exercise. [*] Trained and skilled in the use of firearms, best with semiautomatic pistols. [*] Ray is a talented hand to hand combatant, knowing a few forms of martial arts he learned while in the military. [*] Has a tactical mind, often surveys a situation before putting himself into it. [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b][list] [*] Ray is as durable as a normal human being, in fact he's entirely a normal man expect for his teleportation power. [*] He has a cynical outlook, never fully trusting anyone else. All that really matters to him is himself and his own life. Not the easiest person to get along with and one with not a ton of friends. [*] He's a moral nihilist, in other words he doesn't believe in morality. Morals are a societal construct, nothing is inherently wrong or right to him. He does what is right for himself. If it benefits him to do something, he'll do it. [*] Ray has been known to use people, when he's done with them he tosses them aside, often faking compassion or friendship while using them. Lying comes easy to him. [/list] [b]Background:[/b] Ray Villarreal was born on earth to a lower middle class family in the state of California, an only child. He didn't have a lot of money growing up, but was not dirt poor. His father was an ex marine, as was his father's father and so on. In other words, it was expected that one day Ray would become a military man. His parents fought a lot growing up, often striking each other out view from their son. His father was a very strict man, one that disciplined Ray harshly, beating him when he acted wrongly. The young Ray was not much of a student, though he passed all of his classes, he just never cared much for school. He got in with the wrong crowd whilst in high school, partying, doing drugs, drinking, committing petty crimes. Right after finishing high school he enlisted in the Marine Corps, his father pushing him towards it, though Ray was not against it. While in the military Ray showed talents for such a life, his father had taught him how to use a gun, that part of the training was a breeze. He fit in remarkably well with the mantra, following orders and commands, though not out of a like for them but rather to avoid the consequences of not doing so. It's too bad there was not a war going on, he would have jumped feet first into it. He did his four years of service then was honorably discharged, taking the first flight to Mars that he could, eager for new opportunities on the new world. Ray arrived on Mars as the dissent on the world began to grow, he landed a job in security for one of the wealthy mining corporations. The occupation paid well enough and with the rising tensions he wasn't often bored while at work. For a few years he held the job until he quit it and entered the less 'official' ways of living. At first it was as a bodyguard, protecting important people against the rising tides of society, then mercenary work as violence become more common. He didn't pick a side when the UN increased its military presence, anyone that offered him enough money he would align himself with. Ray was a freelancer to the very core, making more money than ever. He would do whatever he needed, killing, robbery, assault, all common deeds. He was passed out when the planet shook, it was unusual to him, but earthquakes were nothing out of the ordinary back home. He thought nothing of it until he teleported for the first time, unknowingly doing it, disappearing from his apartment into the hallway just outside of it. At first Ray thought that he had been drinking too much and was just hallucinating, then he did it again, consciously. It made him happy to have such a gift, in his line of work it would fit just perfectly, though he is still learning how to use the power and has to be careful. [b]Sample Post:[/b] The sounds of the city could be heard in the distance as Ray Villarreal walked down the street. A moment ago he was on the furthest outskirts of the city, a few blocks away but even now he was treading alongside the edge of New London's limits. He was in a warehouse district at the latest hours of the day, most of the workers had gone home to their families. He wasn't here for any of them, there was a wanted man he had been sent after, Jack MacAleese, some hotshot gangster who no longer found himself calling the shots. A two-bit drug dealer who thought he mattered. Ray had been tracking the man for days and narrowed down where he liked to hang out and sell his poisons. Four figures came into his view as he popped around a fence, they hadn't noticed him moving towards them. The empty building behind them provided shade where they could commit the shadiest of deals. As Ray moved closer, in clear view of all four, one of them broke away after a handshake with another, a drug deal had just been made. Ray slowed in his walk, his eyes upon the departing man as he got into his vehicle. The three remaining criminals had their own eyes on Ray, one of them with a smile on his face. He was also the shortest one and the marked man, the two around him were his muscle, it was MacAleese. "Can I help you, my man? Unless you're asking for directions I think you know what you're here for." MacAleese said as he flashed a cocky smile. He didn't know what Ray was actually here for. "You made a bad deal a few weeks back, ripped off some very angry people. They want an apology and some reimbursement." Ray replied as he stopped in his step a few feet away from the group. His eyes finally leaving the departed man's vehicle as it sped off. No there would be no witnesses. "What the hell are you talking about?" The dealer replied. One eyebrow raised, the smile evaporating. "Carrozza, you made a deal with him, weren't truthful on your end of it. He sent me to find you and convince you." Ray said, as he locked eyes with MacAleese. "Who are you to be making demands of me, punk? If you can't count, there's three of us and one of you," MacAleese shot back, then popped open his jacket to show that he was packing heat. His two brutes did the same, each of the with handguns. It was to be expected. "Why don't you just back off and leave, I'll forget this happened, you can tell Carrozza that same message. Back off." "I was told you wouldn't listen to reason. I'm glad, it's more fun doing it my own way." Ray said, a smile appearing on his face before he disappeared. Making use of his recently acquired teleportation ability. "What the fu-" MacAleese stated as the man had literally just vanished before him. Unless he was some kind of hologram, it didn't make any sense. Still didn't when he heard the gunshot and the first of his goons dropped to the floor. He turned to find Ray behind the now dead man, his own pistol still raised as he pulled the trigger, taking out MacAleese's second companion. Holograms didn't do that. The drug dealer reached for his own piece, his hand shaking as he did so, Ray noticed the action and once more teleported, leaving the fool there with his gun raised at nothing. Then he felt someone throw a hard kick into his side from behind, right to the kidney which caused him to drop his gun. "Let's go for a ride." Ray said from behind, taunting the marked man as he placed his hands firmly around him before they both were teleported away. MacAleese now looked down to see a grave dug in front of him, the perfect size for his body. His eyes looked around him, the freak had transported them both away from the city. There was only red dirt around them. "Come on man, we can work something else. You don't need to do this. I can p-pay you a lot of cash if you let me go." MacAleese said as he felt the cold steel of a gun's barrel press against the back of his head. "Not as much as it would take for me to spare you." Ray replied with another smile, then fired his pistol, the shot ringing out as MacAleese dropped dead right into his pre-dug grave. The super powered man kicked some dirt onto the corpse, not nearly enough to hide the body. He didn't care about that part, he would be gone by the time they found the dead man. With another smirk Ray holstered his pistol then teleported once more, this time back towards the city, his head starting to ring from the usage of his powers. It wasn't anything some pills and booze couldn't fix. [/hider]