Carson walked by the princess' side, his golden-brown eyes darting every-which-way, his hand hovering by his sword. He was alert and ready for anything but he hadn't signed up to do this. He joined the king's army to fight and assist in acquiring peace throughout the land, not to escort the giddy princess through the winding corridors and spend long hours by her door. It just didn't fill the job description he was sure he applied for, however, the king insisted his cohort take most guard duty, whether it was because they weren't strong enough or were ideal to have if the castle ever was attacked Carson was unsure, not that it'd be likely that the castle was attacked. The giddy angel giggled as she chatted to him casually, teasing him light-heartedly. This wasn't what he signed up for but he had no problem in the princess' company, actually quite enjoyed it no matter how awkward it was. Fun, yes, but he was [i]meant[/i] to act professional, however, the princess made it easy to let go of such need of professionalism, her fun-loving, almost child-like manner made it very easy indeed. [color=sienna]Well next time you run off when you're supposed to be under my care be sure to take me with you,"[/color] he jokes, nudging her playfully before tagging on an awkward [color=sienna]"Your highness,"[/color]