Saori woke up to the devilish sound of an alarm. She didn't want to wake up today, she'd rather use the rest of her time before school started again to sleep. She fumbled her right hand around for the alarm with her eyes closed. She pressed the snooze button, but the sound kept going on. Was her phone on or something? It usually doesn't do this. Upon actually opening her eyes, she heard a phone ringing. Was that the 'alarm'? She got up for jack shit? Oh well, she decided to pick up her phone and attempt to answer it. The phone fumbled out of her hand and she cursed under her breath. She heard the message go through. It was her father telling her to get ready for the festival. The festival... But that was tomorrow! Saori ran-- stumbled, really, to her calendar. She saw X's before today's date with a huge circle around it and the words 'FESTIVAL @ 8:15 [sub][s]tty[/s][/sub]'. What did tty mean though? Did it mean- She heard her actual alarm go off. It was 6:30! She had to start getting ready now so she could get there early! After a quick shower, she grabbed her [url=]yutaka[/url] and put it on neatly. She spent some time brushing her hair to keep it in check, and stopped when she thought it looked nice enough. She put on her regular orange blush to make it just slightly noticeable, and put on her vital pink lip gloss. She didn't feel too hungry, so she decided to skip the breakfast for today. Saori got outside and looked around. It was getting dark out already, which meant it was close to the start of the festival. She was sure she would do good in the singing contest, but was still a bit nervous about it. That wasn't her concern for now though! She was looking for someone, but couldn't find her. That bothered her. [i]"Hey! Kito! Need some help over there with the lights?!"[/i] Oh! That was her voice! Now, where did it come from? She thought it was from somewhere to her left, so she started to walk over there. Saori waved to friends and fellow singers as she walked to her destination. She saw a pale girl with light blue eyes looking at the sky, and knew that it was her almost instantly. She waved from in front of her, and called out, [color=fff200]"Hi, Ayumi!"[/color] [@sakurasan]