This was alot for Wolfe to take in. It was 2016, and Hirsch was here. Wolfe felt a bit better knowing Hirch would be around. "Ok, so somehow, I was sent 4 years into the future?" Wolfe asked. "It seems that way," Gemma replied. Wolf began to ask other questions. Sports championships won, political changes in the last 4 years. The end of the war. "It appears you are from this current timeline, from my universe, or our universe," she said correcting her self. "Our universe? The multiverse theory?" Gemma giggled. "It isn't so much a theory anymore, more of a secretive fact'll see soon enough." "What about Hirsch can I see him?" "Of course, you will be escorted to another room, your clothing should be there as well." Gemma said. "What about my gear, and weapon?" Wolfe asked concerned. "Oh, yes, we have all your equipment in a storage locker, and your rifle is in our armory, don't worry about that now, go, see your friend I am sure your anxious to meet up with him." They exhanged pleasantries and both headed out of the room, Wolfe following Gemma. A large bald man in all black placed a hand lightly on Wolfe shoulder. "This way sir, I'll show you to your friend." A few minutes later Wolfe walked into a small room with a couch, a table, a small tv, and a mirror/sink on the car wall. Their uniforms folded on the table. "Wolfe!" Hirsch exclaimed. Moving to each other they grasped their right hands toghether and brought it in for a hug, the bro hug if you will. "Damn ma'fucker I thought you were vapor after that wave hit you." "Nah man you know I can't be offed that easily." "Ya you're too ugly to die," Hirsch laughed, they both laughed, merely just relieved that they are both alive. "Dude did you know its 2016?" Hirsch asked. "Yea man, somehow, that crystal had temporal relocating technology, I'm guessing it didn't go off right, we were sent into the multiverse, luckily we ended up back on earth, Russia to be exact." Hirsch looked at Wolfe confused, Wolfe sighed. "It was magic," Wolfe said. "Ahhh, makes sense now," Hirsch nodded, then asked, "Bruh, sup wit your hair G? You going trendy on me?" "The hell you talking about?" Wolfe asked confused. Hirsch moved Wolfe over to a mirror, sure enough, Wolf had a streak of white hair along his hairline where bangs would be. Wolfe wondered for a moment, when did that happen? Then it hit him, a memory flashed passed him, the memory of that place he was before he woke up in Russia. He shuddered a bit at the memory. "You good man?" Hirsch asked concerned. "Hey, when you got hit by the wave, what happened to you, what do you remember?" He asked Hirsch. He thought for a moment, then spoke, "Well, all I remember was seeing black, but I could hear my own breathing, and heartbeat, after that another flash, and I was somewhere on my back outside, then I blacked out, you?" "Same," Wolfe said, he didn't tell Hirsch about his rendezvous with hell. "So, what the fuck is going on? Where are we? Who are we with?" Hirsch asked. "I was told that it will all be explained shortly, once we're dressed," Wolfe said reaching for his desert MARPAT uniform. They began to get dressed, their uniforms had been washed and felt clean and crisp putting them on. Once their utilities were on that stepped outside. The large man escorted them down the hall to a set of double doors label "Confrence Room." They stepped inside, only to see an array of characters, some of these people had odd clothing. All eyes turned to the two marines who just walked in. Hirsch stepped in front, slightly raised his arms and loudly proclaimed, "Howdy! I'm here for the gangbang!" Only to be slapped on the back of the head by Wolfe. "Goddamnit Hirsch, we are here less than 10 seconds and you already make us look like jerkoffs. God. Damnit. Hirsch. Just sit down you moron." Wolfe said with a hand to his face. They took their seat. Wolfe looking reserved and stoic, Hirsch sitting there making eyes at a young red head he spotted.